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Thanks for the post, that's cool that you could keep a Maxima w those lights. That's one thing I have always wanted to keep in my tank.
question, what do you dose your tank with? (As far as trace elements, food etc.) Since I only have LR now I've only been dosing w purple up for the coraline and I do a 10% water change every week w natural sea water a bit of Prime and that's about it.
Are trace elements as critical given i'm not keeping SPS?
I used to use Purple Up. It's okay when you're first starting out, but a lot of people have had issues with it. My husband still uses it in our 155G when we add new rock to boost coraline growth. Don't dose the full amount and you'll be okay.
If you're not keeping SPS, weekly water changes should be enough. The salt mixture will have all the trace elements you're going to need unless you venture into SPS and clams. If you ever plan on keeping SPS, you can't keep leathers as well, just something to keep in mind. That being said, I do dose my tank with Brightwells two part Calcium/Buffer mixture, however, I only use about 1/3 the recommended amount. I do add live plankton once or twice a week, although its really just for spot feeding for the coral. Other than that, my fish get fed small amounts twice a day.