10gallon with some corals???

hey everyone i have a 10G tank rite know and want to get some xeinas in it and maybe 2-3other corals in it with 2maroon clowns can sombdody reccommend a light for me for a 10G that can hold the lightage that i would need??? price range 80-100dollars and what else i would need for the tank thanks


Active Member
MAroons get big for a ten. I have seen them 6".
Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights 24" for $135


Active Member
Coralife powerquad, 96 watts of powercompacts over your tank, current also makes a 80 watt one that you can turn the daylights and actinics on separatly with leds for moonlight. Also I wouldn't put two percs in a ten gallon for very long much less a maroon or two. Maybe get a small goby or firefish instead but 10 gallons is very small for fish, I keep all my nanos fishless and stock with corals and cool shrimp instead.


Active Member
If it's not set up yet, get a bigger tank (tanks themselves are cheap) and you can have the fish you want :)
(speaking from someone who has allready set up an 8 gallon and immediatly wants bigger after pouring so much $$ into this one!!)