10w fixture ok with live rock (should be a simple question)


Would a 10w bulb that you buy a wal-mart with a reflector be ok over a 5.5 gallon tank with live rock only?
thanks a lot


Active Member
Walmart actually DOES have a 6500k screw in style compact flouresent for like 6 bucks. Might fit good for your 5.5 needs


Ya that's what I have now, it's 10w and there's a cheapo reflector on my hood so it should provide a fair amount of light unless I find a hood that I like. I'v been growing all FW plants that i've tried with it plus algae so it's pretty good actually, though not good enough for SW plants I know.


Active Member
It should be Ok for saltwater plants too, but not corals...well maybe some softies
like gsp or shrooms, if you get 2 of 'em on it, it would be ok for 'em.


Ok, nope can't get two bulbs on it, only room for one. I'm just gona keep this hood until I get my tank cycled once I acquire all the equipment then I plan to upgrade to higher lighting would that be good enough to grow most things?


Active Member
The mods are probably gonna deleted that link when they find it. But.... that would probably work for most softies and LPS.


O, is there a forum there or something, because if there is I didn't know, just was pointed there by a member on a fW forum because she was getting her lighting from there.
So I would need stronger to grow more things? What are LPS?
removed it to make it easier for mods, apologize.