11 billion dollar Chopper

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Citi had paid millions of dollars in deposits and periodic payments for the jet they are no longer taking delivery of.
No, I expect people, to see the flaws in his logic, that I'm applying back on him.
Both parties, have perfectly viable aircraft already in use.
Both cases, they've paid tons of money for the aircraft.
Both cases, they are to fly around an exclusive group of people.
Both cases, they have serious fiscal problems.
Both cases, orders were placed or awarded long before their current woes.
Both cases, USE money out of MY pocket to fund the aircraft.
Both parties, have perfectly viable aircraft already in use.
and my problem.
But both cases illicit opposite responses.

Perfectly said, but as we have been saying for a long time, do as I say not as I do.