110 watt retro into Eclipse 12


When my 60 gallon died with a long power failure while I was on vacation, I decided to make my son's Eclipse 12 a nano so so as not to give up the hobby entirely. So I still had my 48" 4x55 watt Power Compact lighting and thought "what the hell?" You can see from the pix that the bulbs are a little too long for the standard hood so my next project is a hood to conceal all this. Is there anything I won't be able to keep under 110 watts in a 12 gallon? And, oh yes, I installed a fan already to take care of the heat issue. The tank is finally cycled and I'm ready to stock it and can't wait!


My 12 gallons Eclipse was a pain. If I could go back I would have gone with a normal 10 or 20 gallon instead.


Active Member

Originally posted by CorbettB
Is there anything I won't be able to keep under 110 watts in a 12 gallon?

No clams, no anemones, and no sps.



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
No clams, no anemones, and no sps.

would anemones and corals be ok in a twelve gallon with a 24 watt light bulb?


Active Member
24 watts power compact bulb? If so, you cannot keep anemones, but you can keep zoos, shrooms, polyps, and xenia.


I had a 32 watt retro kit on my Eclipse. I still have the Ballast (I think thats what it is called) and don't need it.


I had a question...
What's the difference between a 10k light, a 50/50 light, Blue Actinic and a True Actinic bulb?
I'm going to retrofit my Eclipse 12 with 2 36 watt 50/50 lights (or whatever suits best for some corals). What kind of corals can I keep under 72 watts of lighting that my clowns can host in?
Will I need a water cooler at this point and will I need to buy reflectors or will my canopy be okay with this wattage? Thanks again!


Hey CorbettB:
Just wondering if now that you've done your lightning like that, have you found a better way to get high wattage lighting in that Eclipse? I'm starting a 10gal nano and I'm trying to get to the 96w mark (see powerquad), but can't afford to pay that much.
did you have 2-32w bulbs, or just 1? If you had two could you give me some more info about it. I may be interested in buying the ballast from you.
and rbaby:
Do you mind telling me how you are going to get that much wattage in your Eclipse hood? The best I've seen so far is a DYI project that would convert it to fit 2-32w bulbs. By the way I think you could keep all softs (shrooms, leathers, etc.) under that light in a 10gal.