Here are a few bad pictures of my 110 in my liveing room. What can I do to make it better??? I am getting an Ro unit so the algea will be gone. (My camera sucks!)
how long is the tank ? What kind of filtration ? looks plain, add some mroe LR to the left and right sides ? in the full tank shot, It looks like a 4ft tank.
Sorry guys this is my 75g.. its 4 ft. Ill post my 6th in a min. Im chargeing my camera. I have a 110 and a 150g tank. The puffer is only 4 inches now so he is cool here for now.
Ill post my 150 to.
How fast do fish grow?? I havent noticed to much growth in any of my fish and I have had my puffer for about 4 months.. maby its beacause I see it every day.
I like the fish in your 75 a lot but more live rock will make the tank look a lot fuller. That is what I did with my 210 today. I added 30 lbs. of live rock and it looks like a completely different tank.