110g tank with 100+lbs of rock & 6 fish


New Member
I just purchsed an existing saltwater tank setup last weekend. It came with 200lbs of live rock, 6 fishes (2 clowns, 1moon batfish, 2 stiped gogy), sand etc. The tank was in a storefront hence had lots of algy. I had to leave most of the water from the tank but manged to take about 10g.
After a day of letting the tank run with the new water I mixed, I let the fish acclimate for about 3-6 hours and then introduced it them to the tank. It's been about a few days now and the fish seem to be doing fine.
I had done some reading and have taken lots of notes before I decided to purchase the tank.
I know that I have to be patient but there is alot of algy on the rocks and there isn't much of cleanup crew. Here are a couple of questions:
1) When should I add the clean up crew and should I consided the reef packages on this site and which ones?
2) How about the cleaner shrimps?
3)Would it be too early to add anemea for the clowns about a week from now?
4) would I be rushing it if I added some hardy fish and corals a couple of weeks from now?
Below are some pics of the tanks.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.



New Member
The temp of the tank is hanging at 80. I can't get it to come down to 75. I've turned off the heater and opened the top to let the tank breath a bit.
Anything else I should do?
Well if its supposedly been up for a few years like the guy said, its good enough to add anything I would think. To be sure check the stats on all of your things like calcium and stuff and match it up with the requirements of the animal you want to get. And an anenome you might want to buy strong lights if it dosent have any already like T-5s or Metal Halides. It will thrive in those light conditions


New Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Well if its supposedly been up for a few years like the guy said, its good enough to add anything I would think. To be sure check the stats on all of your things like calcium and stuff and match it up with the requirements of the animal you want to get. And an anenome you might want to buy strong lights if it dosent have any already like T-5s or Metal Halides. It will thrive in those light conditions
I could add fish and anenome now, even though I added 90% of new water?
Then if it was me seriously I would go and add the corals and the fish cause everything is stable. But what lighting do you have to support the Anenome cause the need pretty good light to thrive and be healthy with. And fish should be good to go


New Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Then if it was me seriously I would go and add the corals and the fish cause everything is stable. But what lighting do you have to support the Anenome cause the need pretty good light to thrive and be healthy with. And fish should be good to go
I have two 250w of blue and 2 250w of white. not sure the type.
Is the temperature at 80 a bit high. I can't seem to get it go down to 75.


Active Member
The temperature is fine at that level, I would not worry to much about if if your temp is at 80 with your lighting on. A tank normally runs about 78 so you are pretty close, I think as long as you keep the temperature consistant you should have no problems.
On to your other questions/issues:
I would not add an anemone right now, as I am assuming you are new to the hobby, and anemones require special care and pristine water conditions, which new hobbyists are usually unable to supply at first. I would first work on just keeping a few fish and see how that goes. In about a week or two I would pick out a fish you like and add that to your setup (I would strongly suggest going with a QT setup, you can search the forums for a full explination).
What do the bulbs look like on the lighting you have? Is it one long unit or does it look like multiple seperate lights? Is there a brand name on any of the lighting housings? I think we should figure this out before you go any further.
Now onto corals, again I would wait on the corals until you have an idea of what it takes to be successful in this hobby. Patients is number one in SW aquariums and any member on this board can tell you that they went fast at some point and paid the price. I would stick to a few fish and just get used to doing water changes, checking your parameters, and dosing chemicals if needed (calcium and alk for corals).
These are just my opinions, but I think it would be best to get your feet wet so to speak before you dive in. This hobby takes a lot of knowledge and dedication, especially when you jump into the harder to keep critters (corals/anemones). Good luck and welcome to the boards!


Active Member
I forgot to add, I would also wait for a week or two before adding your cleaners. I would go with one of the packages on here as that should really help with keeping your tank clean. The bigger the variety of cleaners the better, so I would make sure you get a few different types of snails, different hermits (if you want hermits), and the like. Again, good luck!


Active Member
As mentiones above^, I would hold off for a week or 2 and let it stablize.
At least for the first several days, I would check your water para. and even post on here. My only concern would be that you moved an established sand bed and most likely exposed the rock to air. This can cause some die off and amm., nitrite spikes. Have water mixing incase this happens and keep a close eye on everything. Then, after a week or two, add a fish or your clean up crew. I wouldn't add the others for awhile until you get the hang of things and learn what lights you have etc.

Good Luck and enjoy


New Member
Great! Thanks so much!
I was going to hold off on adding until a couple of weeks. I was actually going to hold for until a month before I add anything to the tank. I wanted to let it stablize.
There are 4 bulb outlets with 4 tube lights. Each light has 2 spike tubes. I will take a look at the exact brand and etc. tonite and post it on here along with some pics.


New Member
So I checked out the lights and there are:
Model# 2034 - 65 watt Dual Daylight 6,700k/10,000k
21.25" x 1.75" x 1"
Model# 2036 - 65 watt Dual Actinic 420nm/460nm (blue/purple)
21.25" x 1.75" x 1"
The temperature of the tank is at 79 now.
I have also attached some pics of the tank. In one of the pics you will notice a tiny light color star fish stuck to the side. I see a couple of these in the tank. I have a big Brittle Starfish. Could they be babies from it?
I see a 10+ cleaners already keeping busy.



New Member
Is the lighting mentioned in my previous post ^ sufficient for my 4feet wide and 3.5feet high 110 gallon tank?
Also, how long should I keep the Actinic light on for, 24 hours?


New Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
(I would strongly suggest going with a QT setup, you can search the forums for a full explination).
I have a 24gallon aquapod that I am using for fresh water. Should I convert that to a saltwater QT setup using the water after the first cycle?
Is it ok for me to have live sand and rock in the QT setup? I have about 50lbs of live rock sitting out of the big tank from when I purchased it. Should I use it (it has algy and etc.)?