

I am totally disappointed in *****. I waited for ***** to open here. And all the supplies were expensive and all they had for fish was three varienties of clowns. Truely disappointed.


From my own experience at my local *****, I would warn anyone against buying from them. There is no point in supporting their store by buying anything from them until they learn how to take care of the animals. My local ***** has about 6 small SW tanks filled with dead fish everytime I have gone in to look...
What ***** fails to understand is that they need qualified people to take care of the fish. Not the kid who just left McDonalds flipping burgers looking to move up in the world... It was quite apparent to me that the person running the tanks here did not know what they were doing just by looking at their tanks.... It is sad...
Frankly, there are few pet stores or LFS's that do know what they are doing... Shop at the ones that do and stay away from those that don't.


please dont buy from *****, i personally dont because my firend did in the past and every fish he has bought has been sick. its really bad, save yourself the $/time/headaches and buy from a respected/clean petstore.


Welcome to the Board!!! You must be new if you've been WAITING for them to open. I'm waiting for ours to close.



Originally posted by goldenboy
Welcome to the Board!!! You must be new if you've been WAITING for them to open. I'm waiting for ours to close.

Unfortunately the best LFS in the area is about 100 miles south of where I live. I was hoping for positive change from the local establishments not another goldfish store.


***** is the last place I'm going to buy any specimens. Though I do buy some aquarium supplies, and crickets for my brothers tarantula. Other than that, stay away!


I was at a local ***** and thier fish look good and petsmart is stating to sell salt water sueplies but no fish thanks for the info on petcos fish.


Indeed, Ive seen the same sights at my local Petcos. Never fails, there always seems to be fishie corpses in the sw tanks.
Any fish in *****

> :help:


There is always a acception to the rule. I live by 3 Petcos. All within 15 miles. 2 of them have SW Ich tanks but one is real nice. Its still pretty new though. I found some Percs that have been in their tank for a couple week. Some small tank raised for 14.99 and had them for a few weeks with no problems. Now don't go shopping there because of me.


Active Member
when i was starting to stock my tank with live rock i was in a local lfs and a couple were buying fish they were all excited. Buying their first fishes. i asked how long their tank had been set up and they said a week ***** people told them that was all they had to wait and then they could buy whatever fish they wanted. they were buying tangs and such not damsels.:nope:


Some people say they're great, others stay away. My advice is simple. Buy your critters here, at SWF.com. So far for me, they have the best quality.
If you are on a budget, places like ***** make sense for the other stuff.
You can get salt, additives, tanks, filters, etc. quite cheaply at *****. Even WALMART has cheap tanks now.
Put your money where it will do the most good. Buy quality specimens and use quality water.

liz s.

Ok 'Doodle'...I know you're not anti-*****...maybe you've gotten lucky...maybe you're not as impatient as we are. I would like to, just once, purchase a fish there I didn't have to Quarantine for a year and pray over daily just to get it to survive. It's not that ***** itself is bad, they simply choose to hire unskilled, uneducated people to tend their tanks...and while freshwater fish may not care...the others do. I'll not be darkening their door again. Course, the turantulas and the scorpions they have one aisle over might possibly have something to do with that decision...:D

dark angel

*****, humm, that a topic... LOL
***** usually sucks for fish, but is way cheaper than our lfs for supplies.
Every fish we've gotten from ***** has broke out with ich and died. Intell recently
We (still being new to swf) set up a QT. I wouldn't buy a cheap fish at *****, but ...
Our 2 good fish store sell there flame angels for $79 and at ***** there $49. I've learned that if you THINK you want a fish from *****, make sure you DONT buy it the day after it arrives. Wait at least 3 -5 days and if its still there and NOT covered in ich, then buy it and put it in QT for 2 - 4 weeks before adding it to your tank.
Although one of the gals at our ***** (also the one who does the ordering) has her own saltwater tank at home, and knows about careing for swf. So it really depends on if they know about these kinds of fish or not. Do your research on ***** before buying from them, even though they got good prices sometimes. :D


I have a friend that works at a lfs (and actually gives pretty good advice), but also buys his cheaper supplies at *****. He said the thing that works for him is to find out when your local ***** gets it's fish and brings them out to put in their "killing" tanks and buy the one you want BEFORE it touches their water.
The employees usually tell him they don't like to do that, but they still let him buy the fish. His success rate is a 110% better (and he is one of those that actually doesn't QT fish...crazy).



Originally posted by clint_reno
If you are on a budget, places like ***** make sense for the other stuff.
You can get salt, additives, tanks, filters, etc. quite cheaply at *****. Even WALMART has cheap tanks now.

Cheaper the salt was 4 dollars more than my LFS. Ligts not so cheap. I can get them off the internet cheaper.
Walmart does have cheap tanks through. If you want a 55 or 30 gallon. But they definitely need upgrades.
What I have against ***** was they don't cycle the tanks. They throw about a zillion fish and call it good. 3/4 the tanks were empty spread them out a little.


New Member
I stop by my local ***** to see what fish/inverts they will kill during the current week. I have bought two fish at ***** and both have been excellent. The only reason I bought them is because they were the cheapest in the area plus they had been there for a couple of weeks. As for my comment about killing the fish, you almost see a few dead ones in the tanks along with when I asked the employee if they had copper in the tanks he said yes only to see it filled with shrimps, crabs and anemones.


Hey guys i totally understand where all of you who are bashing ***** are coming from, but its not all ***** stores that are bad. Yeah its true that the stores do hire inexperienced people, but there are some that are actually pretty intelligent and know what they are talking about. I work for ***** at a store in pennsylvania and i am also the head of the fish dept. I do all ordering and water changes and maintenence on my tanks. Yeah there are outbursts of disease in tanks sometimes, but we are equipped to treat this. Also, its not just our water that you claim is bad, most times it is the way fish are packaged (for example 25 fish per bag) that causes these fish to become sick. There is no way for me or anybody else to control this, it is up to segrest( where i order the fish from) to make sure these fish are well and packaged properly and are not sick, but sometimes ( more recently a lot of times) they are overlooking this. I personally research all saltwater fish i have in mind before ordering them so i can tell customers what the fish requirements are, and i also tell the customers to let me quarintine the fish in our tanks for a few days before they purchase it to make sure the fish is healthy. When i started at ***** almost 4 years ago i knew nothing about fish, but now i have learned so much and although i am not an expert by any means i can tell people how to take care of fish and their tanks with confidence knowing that i am telling them the proper things. Just wanted to clear that up ...Thanks for your time


New Member
I stop by my local ***** to see what fish/inverts they will kill during the current week. I have bought two fish at ***** and both have been excellent. The only reason I bought them is because they were the cheapest in the area plus they had been there for a couple of weeks. As for my comment about killing the fish, you almost see a few dead ones in the tanks along with when I asked the employee if they had copper in the tanks he said yes only to see it filled with shrimps, crabs and anemones.