
liz s.

Sorry...my blanket statement about ***** seems to be incorrect. I apologize for any offense. HOWEVER, I will rephrase it; In my experience with the ***** here locally, the fish are sick, do not live, and are not necessarily priced lower than those at the store specializing in SW fish. As for the prices of the supplies, their one aisle is always empty, so I may never know about the price of their salt.


*****...LOL...man do I have a good story to tell you guys...For the record...yes it totally SUCKED when they had some idiot as a manager there...This was the advice he gave me when I was just a rookie...Starting out I decided to get a 10 gallon tank just to see how much work this hobby would be...Well I bought some live rock from ***** that was suppose to be fully cured...only it wasnt...I got like 6 lbs and had about a 2 inch sand bed...running the normal florescent lights with a water heater and a 150 Aquaclear filter...I let it cycle for about a month and threw in 2 damsels that did awesome...so I wanted to ask if I could put more fish in....So this moron manager that worked in the fish section told me that I could have "1 six line wrasse, 1 medium ebili angel, and 1 lawnmower blenny....I added all of them to my tank so I had 5 fish in my 10 gallon tank...in about 2 weeks they all were totally stressed out....water levels were good and they were fed well but...it was jus too small for them...thats when I started posting on Saltwater fish message boards and they all told me that my tank was WAYYY too overcrowded :eek:....one by one my fish died...and they all died on the same DAY!!!!
...altho I was able to save the ebili angel after seeing the damsels and lawnmower blenny die....I didnt get a refund but I really didnt care...I jus wanted to save the fish....the six line wrasse i brought back to the store but he didnt make it....Man this manager that gave me advice was such a IDIOT!!!
...but I still go to ***** to get my fish...they at least hav a Marine biologist workin there now who does an AWESOME job in keepin tha fish healthy...well I've upgraded to a 55 gallon tank and itz doin AWESOME!!! :joy:...I have 11 lbs of live rock, 3 Narssarius snails, 1 horseshoe crab, 1 camelback, 3 peppermint, 1 clarki clownfish, 1 royal gramma and 1 pink tip anenome....


So does that mean all LFS's are good and not fish killers to teach people how to set up a tank to fail. I know a LFS owner tell me that you don't need LR and protein skimmers will not do anything for me if I don't have a reef tank. And the best thing yet is that bagged LS is a instant cycle. Just let it run a few days and then start throwing your fish in. Not one of my LFS has ever recomend to QT my fish first. I'm not a ***** lover but just saying this because you have to know that each store is different just like a LFS.


Personally, I dont think you can make a blanket call that all Petcos stink. I think it really depends on who works there and if they know what they are doing. There is a lfs very close to me. Everytime you look in the tanks, its death city. Im sure that the people in there could have just worked in a ***** or anywhere else also. I finally got 2 false percs after about 3 months since starting the tank. I got them from *****, plus the person that takes care of the fish there knows what they are doing :D Naturally, yes I put them in a QT as I would with any fish I decide to add to my display tank as all the research and reading that I did before I even started this hobby.
P.S. Spun, the fish look GREAT. They have been very active in the tank and have been eating very well. I'll have to put pictures of them up when I get the time.

barry cuda

Hmm, not sure how all these posters (justifiably, imo) bashing ***** can turn around and tell people to shop at Wal-Mart... :notsure: