115 gallon tank, how much is to much?


Just wondering if someone could please tell me how many fish is to much for a 115 gallon tank? I also have corals and just wondering if someone could help me out?


Active Member
you dont want too many, it can really depend on some things. I cant really help you out much, I dont have any experience with a large tank.
You say you have corals? Tell us about your tank. Do you have a skimmer? What kind of light do you have? Is this your first Saltwater tank? Where did you get the corals? did they come with the tank?
That is a very broad question. It depends on the type of fish, filtration, skimmer, etc... As you can see there are a lot of varibles.
look more into this, all I know is that with a fresh water tank, its good to only have an inch of fish a gallon, leaving at least an inch left over.
for saltwater its one inch of fish per 5 gallons (for the bioload), you need to take into account how much the fish are going to grow and what they'll top out at.