115g tank with magnum 350 bio wheel



i bought a 115 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago since i set it up the store recommended the magnum 350 bio wheel canister filtration system was that a wise choice? my tank seems to be doing well and cycled i started it with live rock 2 damsels and a clown there all doing great exept alot of brown and green algea forming any help or ideas would be much appreciated on making sure everyhting goes smooth.


Active Member

If you're going to run a canister with bio-wheels, I suggest you add another set in a tank that large.
Algae is common in new tanks. What kind of water are you using? Any clean-up crew (snails, hermits, shrimp) in there?


i really just want to keep fish and some inverts I added 2 165 gph power heads on a red sea wavemaker and my local lfs told me to wait to add anything to my tank yet because i still have a slight nitrite reading so its starting to get out of hand



Originally posted by stewart20
my local lfs told me to wait to add anything to my tank yet because i still have a slight nitrite reading so its starting to get out of hand

WOW you've got a good LFS :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Most of them lie, "go ahead, buy them... they'll be fine" they just want to sell you a fish or 6.


imo the 350 mag dose not have very much flow i use one on our 20 gal not much flow there .we started our 125 with a dual over flow and a dual return .2 x2200 capp pumps not the bestpumps they came with the wetdry filter .iuse the wetdry for a sump we also use 4 powerheads for more flow hope this helps


Depending on how much LR you have the Bio-wheel Pro is rated for roughly 60 gallon tanks. If you have a lot of live rock then that will serve as your biological filter and the bio-wheels will supplement. Go to Marineland's website and read up on the biowheels.

tony detroit

Active Member
can you do it, technically yes.
Would I ever recommend it after what I have read and personally experienced, NO.
1.RO water(not absolutely necessary, but will definitely help your algae problem)
2.Wet Dry Filter
3.Deep sand bed
4.Protein skimmer rated for two times your tank size
5.pump rated for 10times you total system volume
if you do the above it will be much smoother sailing for you

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Niger12
Depending on how much LR you have the Bio-wheel Pro is rated for roughly 60 gallon tanks. If you have a lot of live rock then that will serve as your biological filter and the bio-wheels will supplement. Go to Marineland's website and read up on the biowheels.

Hardly any equipment is actually good for what it is rated for.


hey thanks for all your help guys i think im gonna buy a wet/dry system i just ordered the skimmer