12 gal nano BIOballs?


New Member
i was reading what other people have been posting and one of the things i read was about bioballs. I have to ask now.. Are they good or bad for a 12 gal nano..any input would be great..thanks MJ


they should be just fine but i think its WAY safer to put in LR rubble instead of the bioballs. i have LR rubble in my 12 gal nano and my water quality has been perfect(i dunno if its just luck or the 10% weekly h2o changes)its up to you, people will tell you bioballs are horrible but theyre really not. they are a little risky in such a small system like the nano, thats why i think natural filtration from LR rubble is the best and easy.


New Member
I'm trying to figure out the same thing. Should I leave the bioballs ceramic stuff and the sponges in my 12 gal dx. It's been set up for five months now and things are goin okay I've just been reading that all this stuff is a nitrate factory. :thinking:


New Member
But wut would happen if i were to use LR and the bioballs? is it double the goodness or hurtful in some way?


Originally Posted by nanotwelve
I'm trying to figure out the same thing. Should I leave the bioballs ceramic stuff and the sponges in my 12 gal dx. It's been set up for five months now and things are goin okay I've just been reading that all this stuff is a nitrate factory. :thinking:
i wouldnt take out all of that because im pretty sure you would ruin your biological filtration. i may be wrong but it sounds like a bad idea. what i would do is add a little bit of LR rubble where you pump is in the back of the nano. that couldnt hurt i suppose.


If you have enough LR in the tank why would you need more in the back for filteration?Do you also use the characoal? Is that a good ideal?