12 Gal with 72 watt hqi sunpod.

rabid frog

Active Member
here is kind of a crappy pic. (glare) but enough to give you an idea. Ill post a better picture tonight once the glare is gone.

rabid frog

Active Member
Its been up and running for over a year now. Like a year and 3 monthsish.. lol love making up words....

rabid frog

Active Member
I dont think the 72 watt is too big of a shock for them. I just hooked it up and I am keeping an eye out for any signs of stress. I put some stuff in there from my 75 which is running 250's so they should be ok.
The zoo's are looking great though. Makes me want to hurry up and get my 14k 250's. The 10k's do make for nice growth, but now that stuff has grown Im ready for color.

rabid frog

Active Member
Thanks Zack. Sorry I have forgot about this thread.
So far so good. Everything is doing well, none of the corals got stressed from the new light. No acclimation was required!!
I have since started 2 new nano's bringing the total number of tanks to 4. 3 Nano's and a 75. I have the 12 gal Pod, a 3 gal pico and I am building a custom 10 gallon acrylic tank for our local reef clubs nano build off. I will post pictures and link to my blog when I get the chance.
Happy Reefing- Joey


Active Member
Originally Posted by rabid frog
Ya it is the 14k bulb. But only 70 watt. We like it a lot. Too bad it took me so long to upgrade... lol
I know!! I wish I upgraded way before! don't you love it! I just got my metal halide ( same as yours) 2 days ago! It's so beautiful!

rabid frog

Active Member
ya. Its a shame that it takes soo long to find some things. They are probably the best nano lights out there imo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SeR_Cyclops
i have a 24 gal jbj and in the futer i was some or one anenomie so what do you all recomend for a MH for a 24 gal.
150 watt sunpod. Rabid and I have the 70 watt.


Originally Posted by rabid frog
ya. Its a shame that it takes soo long to find some things. They are probably the best nano lights out there imo.

Hey rabid, what is that white cube looking thing you have in the dead center of the tank, an inch to the right of the shrimp? Are you using that cube stuff that "automatically" adds whatever the tank needs (such as calcuium, magnesium, etc etc)? I forgot what it is called. Its called Formula 51 or something like that.. or is it something else?

rabid frog

Active Member
Nah I dont use any automatic cubes. I think it is a piece of base rock that my wife threw in there. She is in the process of rearranging stuff to get it to look just right. So it may be a Piece that was on the bottom also..
Thanks for the replies