12 gallon aquapod nano


alright today i bought a test kit and i need help can anybody tell me what these results mean ph-8.2 nitrate-50 high range 10 low range nitrite-0.1 ammonia-0 alkalinity 2.8 water temp-78


Active Member
Originally Posted by P-Rock973
alright today i bought a test kit and i need help can anybody tell me what these results mean ph-8.2 nitrate-50 high range 10 low range nitrite-0.1 ammonia-0 alkalinity 2.8 water temp-78

If your nitrates are 50, you need to do a few big water changes.
nitrite being detectable means your tank hasn't completely cycled or is undergoing another cycle.
alkalinity is too low, it needs to be between 8-12dKH.
I hope this helps..
I keep my reefs at 81-82F. Some people prefer lower temps because it keeps the metabolism down.... I've kept a tank at 85F before for over a year and had no issues other than the fact that I had to dose and feed alot because consumption was high, but it was a fraggin machine! lol. Even had fish too. I don't necessarily recommend doing this though, it was more of an experiment on coral growth.


Active Member
I sthe alkalinity measurement stated in Dkh or meq/l ?
If meq/l then it should be between 2.5 and 4 to be acceptable in meq/l measurement
8-12 dkh as rotary stated is the acceptable range in dkh measurement.


Originally Posted by spanko
I sthe alkalinity measurement stated in Dkh or meq/l ?
If meq/l then it should be between 2.5 and 4 to be acceptable.
8-12 dkh as rotary stated is that acceptable range.
8-12 is acceptable my tank is at 11dkh


ok thanks alot and my nitrate is really 10 i took my water to the fish store and tested my water i guess my test kit dont work its a red sea test kit