12 Gallon Eclipse...Help


New Member
I have a 12 gallon Marineland Eclipse that I would like to turn into a nano tank. I have little experience with saltwater as I have only kept freshwater fish. My questions are; Can I upgrade the lighting and if so to what and how? What should I keep in my tank? I would really like 1 or 2 clown fish, some hermit crabs, shrimp, and about 15 lbs of live rock. A co-worker has offered me about 5 gallons of water from his established 75 gallon tank and a few pieces of live rock will this help cycle the tank faster? Any help would be appreciated.
additional supplies
power head for a 20 Gallon
Bio Cube protine skimmer
20 lbs of live sand
well it would help to remove the top since the filtration isnt the best and buy some decent lights as well. Id almost recommend just buying an all in one like a small biocube or something


Active Member
aye, u can get a 14g biocube for roughly 130 bucks with no stand, and thats what you'd be better off buying then trying to mod that eclipse


If you are not putting corals or Light dependent invertebrates in, the eclipse's lighting is fine...Upgrade the filter.. use something like the SubCurrent Internal Wet/Dry Filter.


New Member
I had the same tank and recently upgraded, I used the stock filter but changed it weekly. I had 2 clowns in it, and a firefish and red shrimp + snails and crabs and it did great. I did try some mushrooms and some zoas and they did ok but I ran stock lighting and when I moved them to my new tank with the t5's they did much better. I have seen a light upgrade kit for it and I felt that if I did that added a nano powerhead my zoa's and mushrooms would have done great, but fell in love with the sea max so I am planning to still make the upgrades and give the tank to my Mom.
A 14g biocube is closer to 200. I dont know were mboswell is getting his, but if they are that cheap he should buy in bulk and sell them to ppl.
I agree with ajar, I say stick with what you have, sounds like you want to go fowlr (fish only with live rock), so you dont even need better lights unless you plan on keeping coral at some point.
Also, the water and rock may prevent a cycle but I wouldnt add anything for a week, and then I would only if I tested it everyday and my levels werent changing, jmo.


i have a 20 gal eclipse(guess its an eclipse 1 or 2 never could really figure that one out)that i have had for over 10 yrs(same pump also)and its been a saltwater tank for a year now and have had no probs. whatsoever.i have RTBA,2 clowns,yellow wrasse,purple fridmani,lawnmower,some button polys,orange frilly,green shrooms,blue shrooms,trumpet coral,hemits,turbos,e.t.c.I did however upgrade the lighting to w/ a sunpaq retro fit kit (maybe $50.00 tops)which is on lower end for certain corals but just do ure research and you will be fine....just thought i would tell you bout my experience cause i wasnt to sure at first either...so far so good! also fyi i have only changed my filter cartridge once,and that was 6 month ago.


what i meant by lower end was the lighting...its about 32 watts w/ an actinic and daylight but the eclipse tanks are not to deep so that helps alot.i believe you need something like 4 to 8 watts per gallon but ive been wrong before....anyway hope that helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by happityLogan
A 14g biocube is closer to 200. I dont know were mboswell is getting his, but if they are that cheap he should buy in bulk and sell them to ppl.
I agree with ajar, I say stick with what you have, sounds like you want to go fowlr (fish only with live rock), so you dont even need better lights unless you plan on keeping coral at some point.
Also, the water and rock may prevent a cycle but I wouldnt add anything for a week, and then I would only if I tested it everyday and my levels werent changing, jmo.
happity, check ur pm's, i just sent you the link to the 14g biocube for 133 bucks


what are pm's?....sorry this is the first forum ive ever been on(ever) and im learning as i go....i havnt even figured out how to make my on thread,oh and those dancing smiley faces show up as letters...b nice i already know im computer iliterate!


ya, im a newby jus try n to meet some cool people and learn more about this ridiculously addicting and expensive hobby.


hey i have a link to a great website (well i like it) so give me your email, it has a lot of good all around info, and info about different corals and placement, lighting, and yada yada yada


New Member
So another question. I bought some LR at the LFS and there were 3 hermit crabs stuck to the LR I did not notice then untill I put the LR in my tank. Should I give them to a friend who has an established tank or will they easily survive the cycle. I dont wish to harm them at all. Thanks