12 Gallon Eclipse...Help


Hey there Tl, I have an eclipse 12 as well, I have had it running since 9/07, and have found it to be a good system with a few mods to it. I am not sure about the light retro you posted above since it seems to have no sheild to protect. Maybe I missed that part... I did upgrade my lights in mine, I used the Nove Extreme T5HO 36 watt 50/50, Removed the stock lighting, drilled a few holes into the hood ofr the support rods, and a larger hole for the switch. Easy job, and I think the fixture was 60 bucks at my lfs. You will want to add a power head to the system, as you will need more flow. I added a Koralia #1 and have tons of flow now. I forget the price on the power head, 35 maybe? Not sure if your hermits will survive the cycle, but you really don't want to put anything living through the tortures of an ammonia spike or cycle. If you have a friend that is willing to hang onto them, I would go with that.
Good Luck!!


New Member
Originally Posted by Nano12er
Hey there Tl, I have an eclipse 12 as well, I have had it running since 9/07, and have found it to be a good system with a few mods to it. I am not sure about the light retro you posted above since it seems to have no sheild to protect. Maybe I missed that part... I did upgrade my lights in mine, I used the Nove Extreme T5HO 36 watt 50/50, Removed the stock lighting, drilled a few holes into the hood ofr the support rods, and a larger hole for the switch. Easy job, and I think the fixture was 60 bucks at my lfs. You will want to add a power head to the system, as you will need more flow. I added a Koralia #1 and have tons of flow now. I forget the price on the power head, 35 maybe? Not sure if your hermits will survive the cycle, but you really don't want to put anything living through the tortures of an ammonia spike or cycle. If you have a friend that is willing to hang onto them, I would go with that.
Good Luck!!
I am picking up the Koralia 1 wed as that is my double associate discount day at petsmart. Thanks for the advice on the lighting, that has been my main concern. Do you have any pics of your Eclipse?


That light should be fine. I'm not positive though.
If you can find more specs on it (or if I missed it) if it has a lumen rating (I think that's it) of over 10k it will be good for reefs. But I am a newby too so I'm just passing on what I've heard.
Do you have a price range? If you're going to go reef over FOWLR than it is probably better to get better lighting, because you will probably want to upgrade it again.


New Member
Originally Posted by dustyboy316
That light should be fine. I'm not positive though.
If you can find more specs on it (or if I missed it) if it has a lumen rating (I think that's it) of over 10k it will be good for reefs. But I am a newby too so I'm just passing on what I've heard.
Do you have a price range? If you're going to go reef over FOWLR than it is probably better to get better lighting, because you will probably want to upgrade it again.
I was thinking about a few zoos


New Member
Need some help again....
It has been 4 days since I filled my tank with water and added a large piece if LR and my water test is as follows.
Temp Gravity Ammonia PH Nitrite Nitrate 1.060
I know that the temp is too high but, shouldn’t the ammonia spike before the nitrate?


New Member
Are you using tap water? Some local tap water has nitrates (though the EPA doesn't allow extraordinary amounts like you do). There may be other causes like your subrate or brand of salt.


New Member
Originally Posted by kane4fire
Are you using tap water? Some local tap water has nitrates (though the EPA doesn't allow extraordinary amounts like you do). There may be other causes like your subrate or brand of salt.
Just tested the water out of the tap and its has no no nitrates. I used oceanic salt, and i will get back to you on the brand of sand.


Active Member
Don't use tap water. Unless you have a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter, then I wouldn't use it. Have you checked it for phosphates? I don't like to gamble on the most important thing in the tank...the water.


Active Member
bos yeah biocubes are 133! im about to buy one. idk where happitylogan is looking but i found a 14 gal for 133. good buy


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Don't use tap water. Unless you have a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter, then I wouldn't use it. Have you checked it for phosphates? I don't like to gamble on the most important thing in the tank...the water.


Active Member
get more live rock asap. if your tank is going to cycle which it will, you are better of getting all your live rock in there right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano12er
Hey there Tl, I have an eclipse 12 as well, I have had it running since 9/07, and have found it to be a good system with a few mods to it. I am not sure about the light retro you posted above since it seems to have no sheild to protect. Maybe I missed that part... I did upgrade my lights in mine, I used the Nove Extreme T5HO 36 watt 50/50, Removed the stock lighting, drilled a few holes into the hood ofr the support rods, and a larger hole for the switch. Easy job, and I think the fixture was 60 bucks at my lfs. You will want to add a power head to the system, as you will need more flow. I added a Koralia #1 and have tons of flow now. I forget the price on the power head, 35 maybe? Not sure if your hermits will survive the cycle, but you really don't want to put anything living through the tortures of an ammonia spike or cycle. If you have a friend that is willing to hang onto them, I would go with that.
Good Luck!!
the good old BAY to the E, i got 2 #1's for 50 with shipping!