12 gallon nano chamber space

I won't be doing a refugium in my 12 gallon. WC's and moderate feeding will suffice I think.
Anyways I have three chambers. Here is what I am thinking for them. And this may be overkill, I've seen chambers filled with much less.
FIRST CHAMBER: In order from Top to bottom, stacked.
Filter floss cube
Bag of Chemipure
Bag of Phosban
Filter Floss cube
SECOND CHAMBER: In order from BOTTOM to top, stacked.
Live rock rubble.
Bag of Carbon
Bag of Purigen.
Filter Floss
What do you guys think?
Overkill on mediums? I think it sounds great but hey..what do i know?


yes thats to much chemical filtration in my opinion.
I would do this as a former keeper of a 24g aquapod.
Chamber 1, keep the filter pads to trap food and poo and gunk, filter 2, eithger live rock rubble, or a high quality bio media. my faverate is ehiem pro substrate, 10x better then any bio ball.
Third chamber has your water pump i think?, and you can add any chemical filtration you think you need. i would use purigen.
if you want to stuff some filter floss in the third chamber as well that would be fine.


Active Member
Wow, yeah, that's a lot of mediums.
I did put a fuge in my second chamber, so I'm not sure what I would do in that chamber otherwise. Maybe put a skimmer or the heater in there.
I run one sponge and a small bag of carbon in the first chamber, fuge and rubble in the second, and pump and heater in the third. I think I've run some Purigen in the first as well, when I had a touch of PO4 in another tank and decided to treat them all.
If you want to upgrade, change out the pump to a MJ600. Best way to improve filtration.
Thanks for your replies. I have however purchased all the above things listed. Would smaller amounts (much smaller) of those be usable? It isn't that big of a deal if I never use it, but I hope someone will reply that it is still of some use?
Are there certain times where I may need them? Are they totally useless? Smaller amounts of each?
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Wow, yeah, that's a lot of mediums.
I did put a fuge in my second chamber, so I'm not sure what I would do in that chamber otherwise. Maybe put a skimmer or the heater in there.
I run one sponge and a small bag of carbon in the first chamber, fuge and rubble in the second, and pump and heater in the third. I think I've run some Purigen in the first as well, when I had a touch of PO4 in another tank and decided to treat them all.
If you want to upgrade, change out the pump to a MJ600. Best way to improve filtration.

Hey sounds like you have the same tank? How did you set up the refugium? Did you just use a submersible light or two ? can you explain what you did in detail. Once I got my tank and realized the back is entirely enclosed I was like oh shoot no refuge for me?
Maybe I can still go natural filtration and do what you did!? I would love to, please give details!


Active Member
12g Nanocube DX tank.
The black on the back of the tank is just a piece of vinyl over the glass. With a razorblade and patience, you can remove it. Its easier to do before the tank is setup... but who thinks ahead like that. Just make sure to measure where the second chamber starts, so you cut off the right area.
I used a $20 halide light from Home Depot as my fuge light. The chaeto seems to love it, and I've managed to deal with the heat it adds to the tank.
As far as all of the chemical filtration material, some of it you will need at times, but usually in small quantities. I bought a huge jar of Purigen or some other phosphate remover, used two batches of it, and now it just sits in my cabinet.
If the container unopened, you might be able to return it. If not, you can always try to sell it online, there are always people who need it.
Thanks for replying man, much appreciated. I will keep it around in case of some emergencey, but in all likelyhood it will just sit under my tank, just as yours does.
I think I will do what your reccomended and razor blade off the back vynil.
As for cycling my tank. Do I cycle it with fuge? ?
Also how exactly did you set your fuge up?
Ive seen people who have taken clear cups, put the chaeto in it, then poked tons of holes into the cup for the water to circulate and filter? Or did u just dump a clump of chaeto in your middle chamber and call it a day? hehe.?


Active Member
I used a nano glo. Its 4 super bright LED lights and magnets onto the back, through the glass in the second chamber (same peeling of vinyl required. It is only 4 watts TOTAL, so there's no heat increase (and minimal electricity).
Its a bit on the expensive side though for a refugium light, but works great with chaeto and some liverock back there. Here's my 24 diary that shows it https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...=357977&page=2
For my first chamber I have a rack made of plexiglass and egg crate. On top is some filter floss, then I have a bag of chemi pure below it. Then just my fuge, followed by filter and heater.


Active Member
Here is what you should do in your Chambers
Chamber 1- (From top to bottom) Filter Floss, Bagged Purigen and Chemi Pure elite
Chamber 2- Cheato and Small CLip on light/or Submersible light
chamber 3- Heater and Pump
I have run my tank that way since september and havent had a problem