12 Gallon Nano Pictures


Active Member
The 12 nano. It contains the following:
Green Star Polyps, Red/Green Brain, Yellow Button, Green Button Polyps, Alveopora Frag (free experiment), Red Chilli, Several Shrooms, Green Trumpet, 2 Feather Dusters, 2 Bumble Bee Snails, 3 Astrea Snails, 2 Turbo Snails, 1 Hawiian Zebra Hermit, 2 Blue Legs, 1 Red Leg, 4 Generic Hermits, 1 Fire Shrimp, 2 Green Chromis, 1 Randalls Goby, 19 lbs of Fiji, and some sand.....Other pics follow


that sure is alot for 12 gallons. Praise to you for keeping it up so well. Im in the process of starting a 10 gallon nano. This is just the lr and ls and filters allowing it to cycle.


Active Member
Haven't had a single problem since i set it up. I owe it to always using RO water, good live rock, and a good clean up crew from the begining. Just remember to not over feed. Oh wait i did have 2 peppermint shrimp die on me. I have no idea why.... Like I said the water has been practically pristine since setup.


Active Member
Yes in the trumpet. I damaged that one during my surgery. And believe me it was major surgery. Aptasia growing inbetween. Dead trumpets abound. I broke him. I've let him stay and am trying to let nature do its thing. The part puffs up at times and looks bad at others. Should i cut it off?
As far as the brain goes yes i bought him pale. He was 18 dollars. He opens up nicely at night and has gotten alot of color back since i got him. I feed him almost every other day with LOADS of mysis shrimp. Going to feed him shortly. I read that when corals bleach it is because they released all their photo symbionts. I forget the full name. I've seen him release green stuff and figured that was it. Its usually because of stress which wouldn't suprise me. Other than that he's doing well it seems. You should see him open up at night. Maybe i could take a picture of that sometime.


Active Member
30 watts of flourescents. One actinic and one 20k. I use coral vite alot and phytoplex 3 times a week. I just got Essential Elements so ill start using that too. Everyone is happy and multiplying. Most of the things are 6 inches from the lights.