12 gallon nano.... Take a look....


Active Member
That brain used to be bleached and had no "skin". I brought him back to life and that was the best picture yet of him. Ill show a before below these.


Active Member
Finally a before pic of the tank I think from January. Notice the half dead brain and minus some rock and alot of corals.... I fed the brain practically nightly for several weeks untill he got some "skin" back and now his color has finally taken off after 3 months or so.


Active Member
Finally some stats.
12 gallon reef. 2 green chromis. 1 fire shrimp. 3 astreas. 8(?)Miscellaneous hermits. Feather Duster. About 21 lbs of rock. Several Mushrooms. Yellow button polpys. Green Button polyps. Green Star Polpys. Red/Green Brain. Pulsing Xenia. Lots of purple mushrooms. And a green trumpet. Oh and some random polpys, i think blue.... On the ground is a kenya tree coral yet to attatch. Hopefully he wont die....The tank is an Eclipse with hood and their light upgrade to 30; watts dual 15 flourescents. Hydrometer reads 1.026/27 and i dose with kent stuff. Soon to be posted will be my 20 once i get it full.


nice nano. You must be proud of it. Those eclipse systems are pretty nice. I was thinking about getting a 6 gallon or 10 gallon with 2x15watters, and making a nano.


Active Member
Well... If you go with a 10 then you can buy their dual bulb upgrade. If you go with a six good luck. Youll need a retrofit kit. I would suggest getting some compacts though. I'm afraid to try anything light intensive in the tank but everything seems to be doing fine.
Oh i forgot to add bumble bee snail to the list....
NICE!! You've just inspired me to do a nano reef. I have a 20g setup for my, soon to come, Odonodactylus Scyllarus(peacock Mantos Shrimp). But if that doesn't work out I'm doing a nano reef :D Once again.. Awesome!!
I also have a 12 gallon nano and just had to share. It's a bow front eclispe with a 36 watt 50/50 retro fit light.
bdhough, nice tank!!!!! amazing how different rock work changes the look of a tank.
:) NewBe


New Member
very nice tanks! they look great! i want to get a nano reef set up, but i need to get better lighting.. its only a 6 gallon tank with the dinky15 watt fluorescent bulbs... i dont know what to do.. i cant get PC's, i dont think that c. 9wpg is healthy lol :p