12 gallon - number of fish?


New Member
Hey, I have a 12 gallon aquapod, currently with some live rock, a bunch of snails/hermit crabs, and a porcelain crab. Fo fish I have a small red scooter blenny, and a relatively small pygmy angel. Would my tank be able to support a small/medium clownfish or would this put too much stress on the tank? Not sure, anyone know?


Active Member
I'm still kinda new, but I read the rule of thumb is 1" of fish for 2 gallons of water. So a 12 gal tank can have 6" of fish.


Active Member
How is your water? Do you test the parameters very often? If they are stable and clean, then you could try it. You'll have to be extra careful about overfeeding. It would also depend on the clown.
Most angels are grazers, so you may have a hard time with the angel in the long run. Some clowns get rather large and will outgrow a 12g tank. All in all, I don't think it's a good idea, but if you know what you're doing it can be done.
IMO, the general rule of thumb for reef tanks is 1" of fish for every 10 gallons of water.

cwazy clow

woa...1" per 2 gal is waaaay to much..keep in mind that if you are running a reef, your screwed and u'll have horid water conditions. saltwater fish are waaaay less prepared then fresh water and thus cannot take overstocking consequences. *sp* i would go 1" per 6g AT LEAST.


Yeah, I would say that you should not add any more fish to that tank. Sorry if thats not what you wanted to hear, but that would be the best for your fish and your tank.


Active Member
A pygmy angel IMO, would probably be ok. I would shoot for two gobies that stay relatively small I.E. yellow watchman, firefish, and/ or percula clown.