12-Gallon Suggestions


Active Member
Hey Guys, I haven't started a thread on here in a very long time but I started a 12-gallon tank yesterday and I want to make it a reef. Right now I have 13bls. of live rock, 15 lbs of live sand and a filter in the tank. In the past I've had a 65-gallon and a 90-gallon and currently I have a 210-gallon reef set up. This will be my first nano reef and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on clean-up crew, or fish stocklist or anything else. Right now I'm thinking of putting in a clownfish, a six-line wrasse, and an Azure Damsel. or maybe a yellow clown goby... Any help would be appreciated, I'm not used to the limitation of such a small bioload cap :D


Active Member
yeah I wasn't planning on adding all 4. so you think the damsel needs more room or are you concerned about the bio-load? What I've read about Chrysiptera hemicyanea says that it would do fine in 12 gallons, but of course if you had personal experience with this fish than you're probably right. If it's the bio-load you're concerned about I thought that the clown goby would be so light that I could get a small third fish. Correct me if I'm wrong please, and thanks for the reply! :)


I've just started a 12 gallon and I think I'm going to go with the whole pistol shrimp/goby pair. Not sure what else from there. Can't wait to see what you decide

small triggers

Active Member
Hey,,, post your pics here,,,,
You live rock has lots of great nooks for fish to hide in....
I think it is totally amazing that there could be 100of the same 12g tank and every single one would be different

Im not a big lover of 6lines as they are fairly aggressive in small tanks (had one in mine when it was set up before) and frankly damsels....i wouldnt do it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jam1e
yeah I wasn't planning on adding all 4. so you think the damsel needs more room or are you concerned about the bio-load? What I've read about Chrysiptera hemicyanea says that it would do fine in 12 gallons, but of course if you had personal experience with this fish than you're probably right. If it's the bio-load you're concerned about I thought that the clown goby would be so light that I could get a small third fish. Correct me if I'm wrong please, and thanks for the reply! :)
a small third fish will work. what you had in mind????


Active Member
I'm not sure, I was thinking maybe another goby, like a Amblygobius rainfordi but I'm not really sure about compatability issues with 2 gobies in the same tank. I've read that Clown Gobies can usually avoiding getting picked on, and I have the right kind of rockwork for a clown goby to have suitable hiding places. Thanks for all the replies thus far and here are 2 shots of the tank:
