12 gallon temp


Active Member
Hey is there anyway to keep a stable temp with a aquapod? when the light come on it jumps from 79 to about 82 degrees? What should I do outside of purchasing a chiller?


82 degrees is okay. My tank used to run around 84 during the summer. But if you want ur tank to stay cool, maybe keep the lid open or put in another fan inside the hood.


I would adjust the heater to 82 so if the temp is going to remain that high, at least it will always be constant. I would think that would be less stressful on the fish.


Active Member
I found that by leaving the feeding hatch open the temps stay much more level. I run about 78degrees with the lights off, 79-80 degress with the lights on. I was pushing 84 degrees with the lights on and the feeding lid closed.


Active Member
I live in Phoeix, and with my freshwater tank I put a ziplock bag of ice in it to cool it down. Never had any fish stress because of it. I would also turn the light off during the hottest part of the day. Of course salt water is probably different, especially if you have coral.


Active Member
my 12 gallon aquapod was getting as high as 86 with stock lighting.. this weekend i upgraded to 65watts and pulled the stock fan out and added 2 more. my 12 gallon had slot for 2 but only 1 was installed. Go to radio shack and grab a CPU cooling fan and install it in the other slot. My temp now doesnt go over 80deg. BTW its very easy to do, make sure you get a 2 pin cooling fan.

cwazy clow

wow if you were considering a chiller for a 12g, thats crazy, your shiller would cost more than your WHOLE SETTUP!!