12 pack


Active Member
Pink A. millepora with blue tips from Tracy Gray. This is one of the first corals added to the tank. I was suprised it has grown roughly 1/4" in the first month of being in the new tank.


Active Member
This came to me brown. It's now turning yellow with intense baby blue tips. I'm guessing this is an A. micropthalma, esspecially considering it is growing like a weed.


Active Member
The water parimeters have been great since the 5th day the tank has been setup.
Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite- 0ppm
Nitrate- 0ppm (Undetectable)
pH- 8.1 (Labgrade pH probe)
Alkalinity - 11dKH
Calcium - 400ppm
Magnesium - 1350ppm
ORP - 398 (Lab Grade ORP probe)
Temperature - 83.2 degrees F. (Standard temperature probe)
Salinity - 1.024 (Refractometer)
I'm expecting two Phosban 150 reactors to arrive soon along with 500mg of ROWAphos. I have a very slight hair algae issue, however, it is not spreading. I only see new growth from the longer strands.
Enjoy! :)


Active Member
Wow sweet setup graham, keep up the good work. I actually got two small frags of a pink milli this weekend.


Active Member
Thanks for all the comments! :)
Originally posted by Kip4130
any particular reason you still choose to read SpecGrav on the refractometer instead of salinity?

No particular reason, although I find it slightly easier to read specific gravity.
your 1/4" growth... wow, i am envious... especially with having calcification inhibitors such as po4s that are likely feeding your hair algae problem

The hair algae is just about completely gone. I should soon get both of my Phosban 150 reactors which should also aid in the elimiation of the pest algae's.
Take Care,
PS. Here are two pictures I am including in this "12 pack." This is an A. sarmentosa I received at a MASLAC fragswap. It was added to the tank roughly 5 days after the tank was setup. This was completely brown (the reason I bought it was mostly for the Acropora crab inside).