12 pak...

nm reef

Active Member
...not the best pic quality but I like to post pics of my display...so here are some shots I took this afternoon.First are a few group shots....

nm reef

Active Member
All of these were taken with a Cannon S45 at 640x480 on auto mode...I was playing around with the camera and these were the best I came up with...

nm reef

Active Member
Last of the days group pics...I don't know why the pics from the left side always have a grennish tint to them but the right side always seems brighter...maybe there is a problem with either the ballast or the bulb?

nm reef

Active Member
I currently have 3 ORA clams...the oldest is my squamosa...I've had it now for over 18 months...its about 5"-6"....


nice tank!!....mine has that problem that one side is brighter.......for me it is because the one ballest is stronger....they are same brand but one is about a year older (different model sort of...the newer oone sems to be a upgraded version of the old)

nm reef

Active Member
My deerasa added about three months ago...color is off but its a decent look...this clam is now about 6" and seem to be doing well...

nm reef

Active Member
First pic posted of my recent addition...3" maxima....adjusting real well...hopefully it'll be with me for a very long time...I've always wanted one and I'm real pleased to be able to add one after three long years of clam envy!!

nm reef

Active Member
I've also got a mated pair of these guys that are ORA raised...this is ying...yang was hiding...they replaced tommy the terrible tomato. Neither has tried to host with any of my corals....but thats fine....they are peaceful and always active.

nm reef

Active Member
A rare decent pic of one of my zoos...this is my favorite....this pic doesn't show the true coloration...frill is gright green with a brilliant orange center.

nm reef

Active Member
When I started developing the new display the plan was to add a selection of SPS type corals by mid July...I'm a little ahead of pace and have a few additons already....I recently added a green slimer (2"-3") but none of the pics turned out...here is a monti cap frag added last weekend...

nm reef

Active Member
A monti digitata that nearly died in the old 55 under less than adaquate lighting...it has since nearly tripled in size under the new MH's...

nm reef

Active Member
...and last for tonight a blue ridge that has started to show some excellant growth under the new lighting...


Awesome as always. I love the new clam. I was going to order one just like that this last week and change my mind. I did get a derasa last week and it has opened beautifully. Yesterday I got a crocea. Very beautiful purple with turquoise lines. I can't really seem to find him a good spot on the rocks. I put him in a huge old clam shell I got years ago and he's sitting on the floor of the tank. He hasn't really opened up all the way. Is this normal? Or does he need something. It's a 22in deep tank. Light's hang 8 in from water. My lights are dual 250w 10k ushio mh and dual 96w 03 pc's. I think it's enough light for him but is he not getting enough sitting on the bottum? If you have any ideas or if you think I need to give him time to adjust would you let me know. Thanks.