120 days old


and #25...i know these r not that big of a deal...But to me they are...My first saltwater aqaurium and i'm also sharing these pictures w/a few friends who could not see them any other way but here...Thanks SWF


Yeh....when i get home tonight, ill take some pictures....again, there are alot of awesome tanks out there, but this is my first slatwater (freshwater africans 20 yrs+)tank and im jazzed:jumping: with the life that seems to come alive almost everyday.....


New Member
Very nice tank... awesome!
Its beautiful! pics are excellent! I keep my photos all uploaded to webshots.com to show my friends.... faster easier and really cool... but enjoy seeing ones here too! :)


New Member
Yeah its awesome quick uploads.. displays them nicely even allows for slide shows.. and well people who are intereseed can find them.. your shots are super! Keep up the great work!


well, wouldn't say they're super....but hey, i'm tryin'...have not had this camera but a couple of weeks...seems to work well......coolpix.....bought my son one for graduation and its worked flawless. Decided i would get one for myself....(and the fishs):D