120 Gal Stocking question


Here is what I would like to have in my reef tank. I would like feedback on what is a 'good' idea and a 'not so good' idea.
I have a clean up crew of:
1 brittle star
2 searpent stars
10 snails
20 hermits
5 peppermint shrimp
I have 3 percs , bi color blenny
want to add:
flame angel
coral beauty
lawnmower blenny (maybe)
fairy wrasse
yellow tang
3 to 5 firefish


Active Member
wait for more posts but when the serpents get big they will eat small fish or sitting prey onless you feed them on a regular basis. flameswill nip at some corals so id say 50-50 for flame. lawn mower blenny id say at least a few month established tank or algae sheets until suffecient algae growth is given.
hope that helps!


I am not in a rush to add these fish...just trying to plan ahead. I would appreciate as much feedback as I can get to help me avoid bad decisions.


I added a Lawnmower about 4 weeks in and he is doing great, all he does is look for food. Very active so I'm pretty sure hes not starving.:happyfish
i know in smaller tanks, mixing two dwarf angels is a bad idea, so id check and see if you can bend the rules for your 120. anyone know if he can put em in? id like to know too.


Sure you can. I kept a flame, bicolor and coral beauty in my 90 FOWLR for a couple of years. The tank was mature, had a lot of LR for hiding, and I added the 3 at the same time. From what I understand that was the key. Good luck!


Thanks for the input. I was told the coral beauty and flame would be fine...but I just wanted to get another opinion. I have 250 lbs of LR in the tank with loads of hiding spaces.
Will the flame be ok with corals?


Active Member
Your other concern aside from the compatibility of the two dwarfs is that most angels are a hit or miss with corals. They either leave them alone or pick them to death. JMO



Originally posted by Harlequinnut
Your other concern aside from the compatibility of the two dwarfs is that most angels are a hit or miss with corals. They either leave them alone or pick them to death. JMO

Hopefully I will pick a 'hit' instead of a 'miss' Is there any behaviour I could look at that would tell me if it's a coral picker or not?


Active Member
The best way would be to observe it in the LFS in a tank with corals for an extended period of time. But even that's not a guarantee. Good luck.