120 Gallon Aquarium For Sale!!! (MUST GO) NJ


guys please make offers i will entertain any reasonable offer, but im not gonna come up with a price for everything (also LR must wait till all corals and fish are gone to go)


Can I see a pic of the zoanthids and tip torch? I'm not sure how much you want per pound of Live rock is 3.00 per pound resinoble?


I am interested in the following. Do you have pics of these???
Zooanthids--what colors do you have still?
Yellow Polyps
White Star Polyps
Green Leather (small polyped)
Toadstool Leathers
Candy Cane Coral-- colors
Bubble Tip Anemone-- color?
I am very interested and somewhat local. Email simmons1017 at aol dot com


Chevron Tang (in tank for over 3 months still juvi, beautiful color)
Paired percula clownfish
Lawnmower Blenny
Orange Serpent Star
Red Brittle Star
Will you take 40 bucks for the livestock?
you can please email me at bobtail1075@yahoo.com


We would like to come tomorrow and pick up items I emailed my phone #'s Let us know when it will be a good time for you


New Member
I get the feeling it's sold. I sent an offer and only live about 5 mins away. Never heard back.
Plus I see no recent postings from him.


ok guys im still at college, and i been having trouble with one customer, soooo.... here is the scoop everything is still up for sale. If you want something sned me an offer and a DATE (must be between December 22-January 16)
I am a college student (premed in fact) and im approachin finals week, so i havent been able to respond to messages. Not to mention my email has been on the fritz. Anyways, the deal is as above: object you want, offer on the object and date you WILL pick up sent to stk31881@loki.stockton.edu
The money must either be sent to my paypal account or receive prior to pick up, unless you plan on paying cash at pick up (NOT PREFERRED) thank you very much for your understanding and please give me at least 2 days to respond to emails as much of my time in the following 2 weeks will be spend in the library.
Thank you again,


Matt, We still want our items waited to hear from you last thursday. We will also take some coral. The time frame that you have is fine with us. You have my number give me a call