120 gallon fish


Active Member
Okay so now I have asked questions about which tang is best.......I would like to know if this stocklist is possible in a 120 gallon.
coral beauty
porky puffer
royal gramma
longnose butterfly
goldstripe maroon clown
powder blue tang
flame hawkfish
velvet fairy wrasse....or is this one too small??
zebra eel ( i would really like to add this one because they are amazing but would it be too aggressive with the other choices?)
I could forgo the wrasse if it is too small.

crypt keeper

Active Member
That will be a very colorful tank. Id get a bigger angel. Like a Blueface. Unless the puffer is the focus of your tank. Id get rid of the GSM Clown and pick up another butterfly nose. You have a few large fish and the eel and some fish that stay small.


You can also go for a Majestic Angel...they are a bit smaller than the Blueface. As far as the eel, I would forgo it as I am not a fan of eels :)


Active Member
Really?? One of those angels would be okay for life?? I would have thought they would have needed a larger tank. I actually like the emperor much better. Is that one a lot larger?........yes I was going for color with this list. I also want compatibility.....
As for the clowns I really love how the gsm looks. So I can have the larger angel too?
Could I have them all plus the angel and the eel?? I don't want to overstock.

crypt keeper

Active Member
as long as you have enough rock and a great skimmer sump set up and are willing to do water changes you should be fine. Not a emperor
I dont see why a larger angel wouldnt work. I dont know If id keep the GSM. they do really well if they can host an anenome from what i have seen of them and are mean fish lol.
This is the standard 120 rectangle right? Not like some square box 3 feet in the air?
I would do one of these three or a a Flame angel and another and drop the GSM.
Rock Beauty 9 inches

Clarion Angel Really pretty about 8 inches

Blue Stripe Angel if you can find one


Active Member
Wow, a clarion huh?? lol I don't have a few grand to spend unfortunately. I am gonna have to stick with fish that are 150.00 and under or so. I may decide to try for two small angels and more color rather than one big one. Maybe a coral beauty and a flameback.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Wow, a clarion huh?? lol I don't have a few grand to spend unfortunately. I am gonna have to stick with fish that are 150.00 and under or so. I may decide to try for two small angels and more color rather than one big one. Maybe a coral beauty and a flameback.
sweet. bi color is really pretty as well stays smaller.


Active Member
Yes I do like the bicolor alot.......so is the velvet fairy okay to keep with the zebra? i don't want to feed the eel an expensive snack.....does anyone have an ideas on the order they should be added? I am aware you want to go most peaceful to most aggressive and a few need to have an establised tank before they are added.....so from first to last what do you guys think?

crypt keeper

Active Member
First thing. Do you have qt tank set up?
Then how small or big are you planning on buying these fish as? If you get everything as the same size you shouldnt have any issues. I have read that angels should be the last fish.


Active Member
I have a 29 gallon that I am going to use as a qt tank. It is my freshwater right now. I want to purchase the fish small because I would like to raise them to handfeed and to know me well. So they have to be small enough to be housed in a 29 for a month or so.
What about the wrasse being kept with the eel? Is it a matter of keeping it well fed or just training it on certain foods?