120 Gallon or 125 Gallon tank. Which would you take?


120 Gallon or 125 Gallon tank. Which would you take and why?
120 Gallon tank is 24"x24"x4 ft.
125 Gallon tank is 18"x22"(h)x6 ft.
Otherwise they are the same.
Which would you take and why?


I would Definatly take the 125. The 2 extra feet in length is really nice, it allows you to keep a wider variety of fish including many different tangs.
good luck!


Active Member
I have a 120 and wish I had a longer tank like a 125. It's only 5 gallons different, but rockwork and everything can be laid out different. IMHO it looks amazingly bigger.


If you really want a Hippo tang than definatly go with the 125. I really dont care for Hippo Tangs because they are VERY VERY prone to ich, they are even called "ich magnets" This means that when you add new fish to your tank or cause a small amount of stress on the fish you have a high percentage of the tang getting ich. There are MANY different types of tangs you can get.


Originally Posted by Saltman23
If you really want a Hippo tang than definatly go with the 125. I really dont care for Hippo Tangs because they are VERY VERY prone to ich, they are even called "ich magnets" This means that when you add new fish to your tank or cause a small amount of stress on the fish you have a high percentage of the tang getting ich. There are MANY different types of tangs you can get.
what about yellow tang,blue powder tang ??


you could also do a sailfin tang - great personality.
Purple Tang- Magnificent coloring.


Active Member
IMO, base the decision on the type of fish you want to keep. If you plan for a tang, then go with the 125. The lateral swimming room will be a plus. The depth (front to back) of the 120 would give you a lot of leeway in terms of creative aquascaping though, so if you can select fish that do well in a more compact system, this might be the way to go. Longer tanks are nice, but unless you really get into some monster sizes, the depth is restrictive to a degree.


You can't get a 120 if your even thinking for a second of possibly getting a 125. You need that extra 2 feet for tangs for example. Better than a 125, get a 135. A 135 is just a little taller. 2-3 inches taller. I don't like the short look of a 125. The 2-3 inches on a 135 makes it look a lot nicer. But, its not too tall for T-5s or PCs. I would recommend a 135.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
If you really want a Hippo tang than definatly go with the 125. I really dont care for Hippo Tangs because they are VERY VERY prone to ich, they are even called "ich magnets" This means that when you add new fish to your tank or cause a small amount of stress on the fish you have a high percentage of the tang getting ich. There are MANY different types of tangs you can get.

Don't let this deter you. Hyposalinity is a very effective treatment for any fish with ich.


Lighting and lighting choices on a 6 ft tank are more difficult.
6ft systems are very expensive compared to 4ft. and two 36" units leave a dead spot in the middle. If you do get a 125 make sure its got two clear braces and not just one in the middle.