120 Gallon Stocking Ideas

adam s.

New Member
im about to get a 120 gallon tank (60x18x25) and was wondering what sort of fish you guys would recomend for the tank. I just need some fish stocking ideas because im kind of at a dead end. I know i want either a puffer, trigger or lion but dont know what else could safely be put in with either of those.


I'm going for a volitan, niger, dogface and some kind of dwarf angel or smaller tang.


Active Member
I would never keep any lion with an aggressive trigger, or most puffers. They find the lion's fins irresistible chew-toys. Lions are not aggressive, they are just predators and won't bother anything they can't swallow whole. They also are really defenseless against the attacks of nippy fish. I know this combination is often kept; but long-term success is very "iffy"; IMO & IME.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I would never keep any lion with an aggressive trigger, or most puffers. They find the lion's fins irresistible chew-toys. Lions are not aggressive, they are just predators and won't bother anything they can't swallow whole. They also are really defenseless against the attacks of nippy fish. I know this combination is often kept; but long-term success is very "iffy"; IMO & IME.
alot of people keep these together and it can work.
but alot of the time the trigger will be more then happy to go for the fins of the lion and the lion will end up dead.
i think you should get maybe:
1x volitans lion
1x large angel (maybe blueface, something less aggresive so he doesnt go for lion)
1x goldentail moray
1x hippo tang
1x yellow tang
that seems like a nice stocklist

adam s.

New Member
anyone else have a stocking list that would work. I like eels, large anglefish, puffers, triggers and lionfish. so please give me some more stocking lists thanks


Snowflake Eel, Niger Trigger, Pinktail Trigger, Blue Hippo Tang and Australian Harlequin Tusk.

adam s.

New Member
i didnt think that 2 triggers could live in the same tank. Can anybody give me any ideas that i could put with a puffer because thats one of the fish i am mostly interested in, well that and large angles and lions


Active Member
Sure, if you have enough room, triggers usually do fine with each other. there may be some pecking order stuff at first; and avoid 2 of the same species. Avoid aggressive triggers (and most puffers) with lions. IMO & IME, this should be the first rule of keeping lionfish.

adam s.

New Member
so what can i do. Can i put like a niger trigger, dogface pufer an eel and a large angel? I just need some general suggestions on fish so i know how much i can put into the tank


Yes, you can put a dogface puffer, smallish eel (around 2' max when fully grown) and niger trigger. These fish would get along great! But I would replace the large angel with an australian tusk.

adam s.

New Member
could i put in a hippo tang in with them too and if i really wanted would an angel work and if so what type or would there be another fish besides the tusk that would work


A hippo tang would work great too. An angel would work too, just don't get one that gets too big for your tank.

adam s.

New Member
So this is the stocking list i made
-Puffer (either porcupine or dogface)
-Huma Huma Trigger
-Emperor Angle
-Blue Hippo Tang
-Snowflake eel
Does this sound ok?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adam S.
So this is the stocking list i made
-Puffer (either porcupine or dogface)
-Huma Huma Trigger
-Emperor Angle
-Blue Hippo Tang
-Snowflake eel
Does this sound ok?
IMO, right on the edge of being over-stocked when the fish are grown. I'd do it;but maybe go with a smaller angel.


You probably already know this but Huma Triggers are big diggers. Mine used to take mouthfulls of sand to the top and spit it out, just for fun. It was like constant snow in the tank.

adam s.

New Member
what other angel would you suggest? And ya i though about it and thought huma would be cooler than a niger and tey seem to have a funny personality.

adam s.

New Member
ok so this is my list
-Puffer (dogface or porcupine)
-Humu Humu Triggerfish
-Emperor angel
-Powder blue/brown tang
-Snowflake eel
What order should i put them into the tank and how long should i wait between each.

adam s.

New Member
if i decided not to put in the eel would i be able to put in another trigger? So then it would be
-Niger Trigger
-Humu Humu Trigger
-Dog Face Puffer
-Emperor Angel
-Powder Blue/Brown Tang
Or would this list be to much? So the question is if i take out the eel would another trigger be ok to add or would it be too overstocked and just b better to have the eel.


As far as load, an eel is more messy than a niger trigger. Also a niger and humu would get along fine.