120 Gallon Stocking Ideas

adam s.

New Member
-Niger Trigger
-Humu Humu Trigger
-Dog Face Puffer
-Emperor Angel
-Powder Blue/Brown Tang
So this would be ok?


I think you're borderline with the Emperor Angel in a 120gal but otherwise the list looks ok to me. I would go with that list. If you get the emperor small, it'll take it a long time to get to full size.

adam s.

New Member
could i keep the emperor in the tank or would i need to upgrade. I was just looking for a nice large angel that would work and it seemed like the emperor would be a good choice


In my opinion an Emperor would outgrow that tank at some point. Might not be for many years, but a fully grown Emperor is gonna be cramped in a 5' tank.

adam s.

New Member
also what order should i put them into the tank and how long should i wait in between. other angels i was looking at were annularis, majestic and blueface


For stocking order:
-Dog Face Puffer
-Niger Trigger
-Powder Blue/Brown Tang
-Humu Humu Trigger
-Emperor Angel
With a newly setup tank, I'd give it a month between each addition and QT all fish before they go in the DT.

adam s.

New Member
ok thanks how long should i qt them for and the only other tank i have is a 10 gallon. Is there any fish that should be larger than another?


I think I speak for everyone here when I say, if you don't quarantine, that'd be the biggest mistake you could make.


So what are you going to do when you have 4 fish in the DT and they have ich and are in danger of dying? You can't take them out to treat them since they won't all fit in a 10gal tank. You can't treat them with the live rock in the DT. You'll have to take out all your LR, put it in another container with a powerhead and heater, then treat the DT or use hypo. I'm not trying to give you a hard time, I'm just saying it's easier in the long run, less trouble to just have a QT. A small investment from the beginning and a little extra work will save you a lot of problems down the road.
It's up to you what you do, they're your fish, your money. But I'm telling you from reading and from personal experience, you can't buy fish and put them directly in your DT and not get ich.

adam s.

New Member
its just my parents wont let me get another tank and all i have is a 10 gallon. wat size fish could i keep in there and for how long

adam s.

New Member
so if i dont qt and get ich in the dt i have to take out the live rock to treat the fish? what if i dont take out the live rock?