120 gallon


I just bought a used 120 gallon with dual backpack protein skimmer, r/o unit, canister filter with uv light built in, and 3 250 watt mh's. I am gonna use the 30 gallon i have my current fish in for the fuge, and move its contents to the 120. I also have a 96 watt powercompact that has one white light colored bulb and an actinic. Can i make it so both bulbs are actinic and use that on my 120? Also how do i get it so the fuge flows by gravity back into the main tank? Wouldnt that mean that the fuge would have to be above the main tank? That wouldnt really work to well for me.
Also I will have a sixline wrasse, tomato clown, and a flameback angel. I was thinkink of getting a purple tang and a flame angel. What other fish should i get? I currently have 35 pounds of live rock, how much more should i get, like 100 pounds. Also i have like 40 pounds of live sand, how much more should i get for the fuge and the main tank? I currently have about 400gph in phs how much more should i get. Also wat kind of lighting should i have for the fuge, i plan on keeping chaeto and some other stuff i already have?
Thnx for putting up with all my questions.


That's a lotta questions. I don't know the answer to them all, but will help where I can.
Gravity pulls "down". The only way to get your fuge to empty into your main tank without power would be to put it above the main tank.
If it's going to be a FO tank, you can have whatever kind of light you please. The fish won't care.
The general guidline for live rock is 1-2 pounds per gallon of tank size.
Water turnover in general should be 10-20 times your tank size. If you want the turnover to be 10x, then that would be 120 x 10 or 1200 GPH. 20x would be 2400 gph etc...... This will be a combination of all powerheads, returns, filters, and whatever else is moving water in your main tank. It can even be more, but will be totally up to what your fish will be comfortable with.
You can have absolutely any kind of light over your fuge that you want or can make do with, unless you're going to grow coral frags or something. Assuming you're not going to do this, even a cheap garage spotlight will work, as long as the setup is still safe.