120 up and running again


My 120 is back up and running after moving it 500 miles. I don't know what to catogorize this tank as, but the main fish in the tank is my lion. He's about 10+ inches. My newest addition is my copperband butterfly which has the task of cleaning up all the aptasia in the tank. He finally started eatin on it after about 2 weeks of being in the tank. I have a few mushrooms, zoos and polyps in the tank. My LTA for some reason likes it right in the middle of the sand bed where my clarki resides. I moved it twice but it landed right back up in the same spot. Tank has 10" Volitian Lion, Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang, Clarki Clown, Copperband Butterfly and a Foxface. All the other fish are about 6 inches or so. Tank measures 48" x 24" x 24" has 440 watts VHO. 3 inch live sand bed, 100+ lbs live rock and misc soft corals. Clean up crew consists of 60+ various hermits and 60+ various snails. 5 Emerald crabs which either the Lion ate or they are good hiders and a 5" hitchhiker serpent star fish. Tank has been now up and running for just under a year since my move. Any suggestions or comments welcome.


shark bait

Dude looks cool. That lion is as big as mine that is dope. I may do what you said and try a clarki, I also was able to get 3 dry krill down the lion, and the grouper is a scardy cat but he ate after the lion, so I should be ok after the "deadly hunt" of chromis that went on last night. It was in sane right before lights out chromis came out and a pack of 4 got lost from the pack of the other 50 and well one by one they went bye bye. Sad, I had done prior research and was lead to belive a large pack of chromis, like i had if put in a week before the other fish that they will stay in a school and ward off wood be prey. But I all people was ill informed. So at 3.99 a fish, I guess in time all 50 will be gone. oh well, I'll just school yellow tangs. TTUL JW.


My lighting is 4 VHO bulbs 2 white, 2 atinic. Each bulb is 110 watts. I have a 30 gal refugium below that has 20,000 candle light (I forgot what it was) light that turns on at night and stay on all night for reverse lighting. It's one of those out door security lights from Home Depot. Keeps the Culpera very healthy.