12000K "Sunburst" MH bulbs.............


If you are or have used these bulbs in the past,please give me feedback on what your opinion is/was of these bulbs.Thanks. :)


Active Member
Ran a 175 for a while, great color for the most part, although it was a little too blue for me ;) , not very intense, but that goes for most bulbs with a higher K temp. I prefer the Ushio 10K, but I have seen some really nice tanks with the sunburst. HTH


New Member
i am currently running 2 of these on my reef tanks and they are not all that great. different quality of light between the 2. imo i don't like them. might try something else. the spectrum is totaly off between the 2.


I have been running one 250 watt on a 35 gallon reef for about three weeks now... looks great to me. awesome perfect bluish light IMO. does not need actinic supplementation. Not sure about PAR. The intensiveness seems very strong to me, but on the other hand I've not ever seen a different MH bulb of the same wattage so have never compared. anyway, seems great to me. Most people however recommend iwasaki's with actinic fluorescence for supplementation of the spectrum. I will likely not follow that order; my next lighting system will likely also consists of the sunburst 12k. I just like it.


Thanks for your Input here yall.I want too try these bulbs do to the fact that I understand that no 03 actinic supplementation is needed.I think I will give them a try. :D