Unfortunately I have decided to sell My 120g complete setup, with rock, sand, corals, lights, water, sump, ballasts, skimmer, and fish, everything you ever needed!!! This tank has been well established for almost 3 yrs. now and has over 100 diff. types of corals including sps, lps, monti-caps, everything you could imagine, the tank has over 100lbs. of live sand, and over 200 lbs. of live rock, there is also a custom made refugium by JL Aquatics, to house the coralife 220 needle wheel skimmer, all the macro, live rubble and sand you would ever need and a mag 12 return pump. The price on this tank is $2250.00 for everything and is pickup only!! I may know a guy who could deliver and setup but you would have to check with joncat24 he is the only one I would trust to do it!!! you can call me anytime at 513-424-5555 or my cell phone at 513-435-0842, I work Fri., Sat., and Sun. from 5:00am to 5:00pm other than that feel free to call up to 10:00pm at night. here are some pics, there are also 2 Large clams in the tank, and the lighting is a odyssea 542 watt setup with 2 175w metal halides, and 2 96w pc's with moonlights!!! is an all glass tank and stand with dual overflows.