120g Lighting Queston???

I have a 120g Acrylic tank (48 x24 x24) I am setting up as a reef tank and I am considering the following setup for my lights. Aqua Medic Dual 250W Double Ended HQI Metal Halide fixtures with Parabolic Refelectors, 2 VHO's with O3 actinics and 6 1w lunar lights. Will this setup be good for all livestock. Any ideas or comments will be appreciated.
P.S. Also should the bulbs for the halides by 10,000k, 14,000k or 20,000k?


Active Member
im not too familiar with aquamedic, but it sounds like a good system. 250 watters will allow you to keep anything you want. as for what kelvin rating to get; 10k will give you the best growth, but most brands color isnt that great (usually yellowish). 12 or 14k will be more blue.


Active Member
ive got the same size tank....all i run are dual 250 mh at 20k. corals seem to like it cause they are growing pretty good. i would like to add some vhos or pcs some time soon though
Thanks for the input. This was too good a deal to pass up I already have the VHO system from prior setup. Purchased the 2 halides (complete with ballist, power cables, 10,000k bulb and UV glass lense), 2 new VHO URI Super R Actinics and the lunar LED's with shipping for $447.00. I figured I could not go wrong for that price.