120lbs of live rock


Active Member

Originally posted by Innsmouth
jlem, just leave it alone. SWF.com doesn't need a champion.

I made one comment at the top of the thread which is my right and you guys started the contraversy. Snowflake dropped it along time ago. I think that you should be the bigger man and not crusade and champion for Snowflake. Your keeping this going as much as I am:D


I would have to say if the rock has improved since purchase I see no problem with the price.
I would also have to say the old saying of buyer beware.
If another poster does see something potentially wrong then they should be able to speak up or disscuss the situation to see if there is something wrong, it could save us all some embarassment.
I'm not saying anything is wrong with the thread or posts, I'm not saying anyone is trying to get the better of anyone here. I see no problem so far in the thread and believe that everyone has acted well so far.


JLEM, I agree with you. If I see someone posting something for sale used, that can be bought somewhere else brand new, why not let them know. About a month ago I was looking at buy some used PC lights, I found the exact same ones on the internet for less. I saw several people asking questions on the used ones, I wanted to make a comment, but did not. I think I should have though.
I did not think you were saying anything negative to the seller, but simply trying to help the buyer, after the buyer has all information he should make his own best decision. Is it worth it to him to pay a little more to get rock with more growth, maybe-maybe not.
I hope if I am ever going to buy something from this board and there is a better deal you let me know.
Ok I see my thread has gotten really far off track.. haha.. so let me put an end to it and hopefully get back on track.
- As I said, I bought probably about 50lbs of swf.com, when I got it I was just starting up my tank, they sell uncured rock, it had no coraline algae or anything on it, it was basically rock with bacteria in it. So thats 50lbs of it, the rest I bought from my local saltwater fish store at 6.99 a lb.. for really good stuff, but once again it was lacking on coraline algae.. now this rock has been in my reef tank for 6-7 months, so it is covered in coraline algae and ready to drop into anyones tank, there would be no PH spikes or very much die off, so if you are just starting up your tank, sure buy it off SWF.com its a better deal, but if you already have an established tank or you want your tank to cycle better... then mine is obviously smarter to get. I didnt know I would get flamed for trying to get back a little bit of the money I lost.. so lets do some math here.. 50lbs off SWF.com = $200, 70lbs at 6.99 = 489.00 add those together and thats 689.00.. So I am losing 100 on the deal for rock that is a lot better then when I bought it. Also I said I was open to offers that was just a starting spot... I probably invested over 2k into my tank and am just trying to get a fraction back.. but thanks for ruining my thread.


Active Member

Originally posted by SnowflakeJason
I probably invested over 2k into my tank and am just trying to get a fraction back.. but thanks for ruining my thread.

So I should say nothing so that other people can pay more than they have to so you can get back some of what you have spent.
This forum would suck if people had to hope that they are getting a good deal instead of people helping people out. I have no doubt that buying your rock locally is worth $5.00 LB. I even stated SWF.COM has it for $4.00 LB SHIPPED. Your rock would be a great deal at $4.00 SHIPPED. After shipping is added onto $4.00 though it will not be a good deal for epople to pay, and you would have just as much die off. I have every right to help buyers out and mention that SWF.COM has Live Rock for $4.00 LB shipped if it helps a fellow hobbiest save lots of money.
I never said that buying rock from swf.com is a better deal than locally buying it for the same price. I even said that selling at the same price is great. These are all my opinions and if my opinions are swaying people into the better purchase then good, but I am not putting a gun to anybodies heads. I have no all mighty power to make anybody buy or sell anything. What does it matter if I mention rock from this site. If the persons rock is a great deal then someone will buy it regardless what I say.
If you are not interested in buying my live rock there is no need for you to respond in this thread, most people know of saltwaterfish.com as a fish store/rock store before they knew it was a message board.. so if they are here reading my post they know that you can buy uncured rock for 4$ a lb... I dont know what your problem is but you are obviously not interested in buying any of my rock so please do not respond.