121 random tips and techniques

Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/387868/121-random-tips-and-techniques#post_3416787
HAHA, I doubt anyone sits down and actually reads all of that. I just posted it to see if anyone could learn from it. If just one person reads it and discovers something new, then I'm satisfied.
It's a shame you didn't make a bet. I'm a noob and I read every last word. I'm glad you posted it. Just my personal opinion from a noob stand point. This thread needs to be at the top with the rest of the must read threads.


Well-Known Member
Hah. I appreciate your opinion but I also agree that it needs to be organized, subdivided and added on to. I'm working on it a little at a time. I feel like re writing the whole bloody thing instead of sifting through it. Lol.


Active Member
i need to find the time to read all of the stuff but i find a couple that i will not 100% agree with .not saying its wrong but... 4 watts per gallon for softies i think it was.well depends on the depth of the tank.the over flow causing bubbles if it is under pumped.my overflow is rated for twice of what my pump puts out and i dont have micro bubbles.when i pick up a 12 pack some evening i will read it all and debate you on some things.but skimming through you have put out some good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I need to read through it myself. I wrote it at like midnight one night on two hours of sleep, so I honestly have no idea what kind of typos it has or what kind of inaccurate information I have conveyed. THIS IS JUST A ROUGH DRAFT! lol. I'm going to go back through everything and site some sources and update some stuff. I know that some of the baking soda and kalkwasser tips are inaccurate, and I will change them in the revision. I'm also iffy on some of the light stuff too. lol. There are ALL KINDS of variables when it comes to setting up and maintaining a tank.
I repeat! This was a rough draft, and not something that I was really taking seriously. I didn't think anyone would care, to be honest.
I'm going to make a revision of this "article" soon, that will (hopefully) be more accurate.


Active Member
fun stuff here.... is it true 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons,cycle a tank with damsels and 1 1/2 lbs of live rock per gallon? just wondering


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I honestly have no idea what was coming out of my fingertips that night.
Guidelines - from what I've read over the years - of course everything can be fudged. I'm going to change a lot of things. lol!
Many people have cycled a tank with damsels, just depends on your morals/ethics. straight ammonia can be used as well as the shrimp method. There's also ghost feeding the tank with fish food like you would feed a small fish every day.
I like a little more live rock in my tanks then less. Of course, you can do less with more filtration. Lots of variables... lol
I'de like some help getting something written up - we could both put our handles/names on the newly written article. I would like to do that if you had the time!?


Active Member
time lol.hard to commit to time.i have 5-10 minutes here and there.i am old school when it comes to tanks.alot of lr ,alot of flow and alot of light metal halide.i dont really keep up with all the new stuff.i dont run skimmers or mechanical filter except on my qt.imo time is the best filter on a tank.no sudden changes and a light bioload of fish.i have never had a problem overloading corals as long as i keep up with water changes.but i can add my 2 cents if you need.


Well-Known Member
Well, all I need would be a proofreader and someone who's willing to debate the issue without taking anything personally. That way it may be more complete.


Active Member
no problem .you can send it pm.as you know there are alot of ways to set up a system so i sure dont pick on anyone who has a different set up.