125 - 220 gallon reef

hey, i get alot of good answers on here so i was wondering, if i started a 125 gallon reef or a 220 gallon reef what kind of pump would i use? how many gallons ph? lights? what size sump?
whatever else there is to do. let me know please and thank you


I have a 110 and I use a danner mag 12(1200gph) you could go with that or a mag 18 (1800gph)


New Member
I have a mag 12 on my 90 and it almost seems like it could use a little more...however I dont like the look of a bunch of powerheads in a tank so I went large on the pump to divert the outlets to make up for not having a bunch of power heads.

scopus tang

Active Member
40 breeder as a sump (for the 210 ~ don't know that it will fit under the 125, perhaps a 29 gallon extra long for the 125 (same footprint as a 55, but shorter)) two quietone 6000s as return pumps would be my recommendation on either tank. With either tank obviously, you would have to supplement that with additional powerheads.


Active Member
Go with the largest sump you can fit.
As for return pump, it would depend on how much you're draining. I'd imagine you'd have two 1" drains that would be a total of 1200GPH, so you'd want a pump that will match that once it's pumped up back to the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by justinwwwallin
hey, i get alot of good answers on here so i was wondering, if i started a 125 gallon reef or a 220 gallon reef what kind of pump would i use? how many gallons ph? lights? what size sump?
whatever else there is to do. let me know please and thank you
Really all depends on what you are trying to keep. I have a Mag 18 on my 220 and using a 50 gallon sump. That is NOWHERE near the amount of flow I need to successfully keep SPS either.
I do have a Seio 2600 inside the tank and going to get me another one. And down the road I will also get a Tunze wavebox to avoid dead spots....
if you don't like the look of powerheads in the tank, then you can opt for a closed loop with a decent size pump to get the water going.....but to be honest with you, you will want some type of circulation within the tank to avoid dead spots, because you won't get that much water flow from a mag 18 as a return alone.
But like I said it really does depend on what you are trying to keep as to how much water flow you will need.