125 Fish Stock List...

mr. guitar

Hey yall!!! I'm upgradin my 55 gallon tank to a 125 within the year. Here's what I've been thinkin about addin to the tank...fish that is...
3- Yellow Tangs
1- Coral Beauty
2- Percula Clowns
2- Yellowtail Blue Damsels
1-Mandarian Goby
That's all I've come up with so far. So what would yall put in a 125 gallon reef tank?


Active Member
I would knock out the yellow tangs, and the yellow tail damsels. If a Tang is a must, go with a Kole, as for the damsels, get yourself some blue/green chromis. As always, go slow, and ask alot of questions.

mr. guitar

Yeah why wouldn't want them in my tank?
Only kiddin'. Right now I have 2 green chromis in my 55 and I'm gonna get rid of them before we set up the 125. For some reason I liked them when I got them a couple of months ago and now I don't. Thanks for your opinions...they are much appreciated!!! Any more?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stuckinfla
PS.....NO on the Manderin.
Why couldn't he have a mandarin? If he waits a while it will be fine.
As for the tangs I think that 3 yellows would be fine in there. I personally wouldn't put the damsels in because of their aggressiveness, I would do like a wrasse or something or a pair of firefish.

mr. guitar

Yeah I was thinkin of a fairy wrasse. I didn't even think about firefish. Great idea!!! I already have a mandarin in my 55, so I'm gonna add that when the 125 is mature enough. Thanks again!!!