125 FOWLR List - Tang/Angel question



I've had my tank up since Feb. and am beginning to think about future additions. Right now there are 6 green chromis, 1 percula, and 1 cleaner shrimp. Here is what I am thinking for additions and in this order:
1 banana wrasse
1 coral beauty
1 blue hippo tang
1 auriga butterfly
1 strawberry dottyback
1 yellow tang
1 koran angel
There would be about 1.5 - 2 months between additions so by the time the butterfly came around the tank will be 6+ months old. I also tried to add in increasing aggressiveness. Here is my other thread explaining my setup with some pics on a link at the bottom.
How do you feel about the compatibility between the tangs and koran angel and also between the coral beauty and koran?
Do you think the dottyback will give my shrimp a run for its money even in such a large aquarium?
Thanks for the help,


If you get a yellow tang, just remember they graze on algea all day in the wild, they need lots of live rock and live sand and lots of greens to eat!!!


Yeah, I've intentionally been allowing green hair algae to grow so that there is a nice supply when the yellow tang comes. Just this morning I cleaned the tank and noticed quite a bit of 'live' action crawling around the rocks. This is good news because I have not bought one pound of 'live rock'. It is just my own aragocrete along with some mud I threw in the fuge about 2 months ago.


Maroonytun: Do you have any experience with multiple angels in one tank? I have a ton of rock with plenty of hiding places. The rock is in the middle so there is virtually 12 feet of swimming space. I thought, depending on the sizes of the fish, I could introduce them at the same time so they don't have an established territory.
Also, how would the Koran fair with the tangs?


Anyone had luck with keeping a Strawberry Dottyback with a cleaner shrimp? And do you think size of tank would influence aggressiveness? I have a 125.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlandrigan
Anyone had luck with keeping a Strawberry Dottyback with a cleaner shrimp? And do you think size of tank would influence aggressiveness? I have a 125.
I've got a diadema pseudochromis (very, very similar) with a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp, and they've never been bothered. And, I have a 55.


Originally Posted by Emperor11
I've got a diadema pseudochromis (very, very similar) with a cleaner shrimp and a peppermint shrimp, and they've never been bothered. And, I have a 55.

I'm not familiar with the diadema pseudochromis. Is that its scientific name? If so, what is its common name?
In my 'Pocketbook to Marine Fishes' book, it says that dottybacks will eat ornamental shrimp.


Gonna ask again... Anyone had success with large/dwarf angels in the same tank? I'm planning on a koran and a coral beauty with the koran going in first, because around here the korans are smaller than the coral beauties.


a tip that you most likely know is that you should add the tangs at the same time and try to have them be the same size for the least agression towards each other


Active Member
The two angels should be fine together. Add the dwarf first, and give it enough time to establish it's territory then add the koran. The only problem that might occur with two angels in the same tank, is the koran might go after the dwarf, but you won't know until you try. I had an adult imperator with a lemonpeel, and the lemonpeel would intagonize the imperator, and the imperator would chase him, but never catch him.


Well, I thought I would add the Koran first because around here they are generally for sale around 2-2.5 inches whereas I've only seen coral beauties at least 3 inches. That is my rationale for begininng with the Koran. All in all, I feel pretty comfortable either way because it is a 125 and there is plenty of room to roam and hide.


Yeah, he always likes to help out! He likes to pull over one of our kitchen table chairs to the tank and stand up on it to watch the fish eat. Every night before bed he waves to the fish as we go by to get to his room.
- Matt


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Looks like a success. Did you skip on the banana wrasse?
Not intentionally. Non of the LFS have had them in or from the two orders I've placed online through this website. Basically, my stocking order turned to additions when I found good deals (such as $1.99 yellow tang) or gift cards from people. Not many post stocking order as it occured but here was mine:
(3) Green chromis (Feb 2006)
(1) Emerald Crab (March 2006) - died by getting stuck in overflow sometime (can't remember when)
(1) Cleaner Shrimp (March 2006) - died mysteriously in June '06 -had black spots on body??
(1) False Percula clownfish (April 2006)
(1) Yellow bellied blue hippo tang (July 2006)
(1) Threadfin Butterfly (July 2006)
(1) Yellow Tang (November 2006)
(1) Coral Beauty Angelfish (November 2006) - Died in quaratine (was refunded by swf.com)
(1) Strawberry Dottyback (November 2006) - Died in spring '07 - not sure why; stomach bloated
(1) Coral Beauty Angelfish (October 2007) - Again died in QT (Bad Luck!!)
(1) Royal Dottyback (October 2007)
(1) Koran Angelfish (November 2007)
(1) Pajama Cardinalfish (November 2007)
(1) Sixline Wrasse (February 2008)
I still want to add the Banana wrasse, a few green chromis, and a cleaner shrimp.