125 Gal complete setup for sale NW Ohio Three 12" Fish


I have a friend who is looking to sell their 125 gal setup. I believe it is an all glass aquarium 6ft long. Pine stand. There are about 80 lbs of ls, and 60-75 lbs of lr. Fluval 404, overflow with sump and skimmer. Right now the tank has a 12" Dogface Puffer, 10-12" Niger Trigger, and 10-12" Emperor Angel These are some impressive fish. There are also some large damsels, and a 5" Yellow Tang.
Lighting he has 2 36" lighting fixtures I believe they are Coralife Aqualight 2x96w and he has 2 of these fixtures.
He also will be including all of his water change gear, trash cans and buckets, along with many various fish keeping books, and whatever food and chemicals are left.
He has records of everything that has been done to the aquarium, water changes, fish additions, water parameters in a log.
I’m sorry I don’t have all the specifics, if someone is interested I will get you whatever details you want.
The tank is in Lima Ohio. He is looking to get around $650 for the entire setup. He just spent $400 on the lights alone a few months ago. The three large fish are probably worth $650 alone.
Email me todd@videomemoriesinc.com with any questions.


Sorry the tank is gone, my friend also had an ad in the local paper and someone call and bought the tanks. Thanks.