125 gal for sale Annapolis, MD


New Member
I have a 125gal setup that is two years mature with lots of coralline algae on 140lbs of live rock and a three inch sand bed. Filtering system includes dual overflow box down to an Amiracle Wet/Dry with a Mag 18 return pump. Also included is a Prism Pro skimmer (1yo) and two power heads for circulation (not sure on output). Live stock includes 1 Gold Stripe Maroon Clown, 1 Hippo Tang, 1 Orange Tail Damsel, 1 Coral Shrimp, 1 Long Spine Urchin, lots of misc. snails and hermits. Whole setup for $1000 (if you have any experience with saltwater tanks I don't have to tell you that I have over twice that invested). No shipping. Please e-mail for quick response.


I'd be interested in that clown and tang if you'll sell them separately. I'm about 20 minutes from you.