125 gal tank w/stand for sale in St. Louis


I have an Oceanic 125 gal tank with stand for sale, it has a large skimmer, a large cannister filter with dual hoses, two 6' lights, standard flo bulbs, nothing special (will not support corals, fish only), two power heads and 100# of what used to be live sand, but is surely dead sand by now. I had two bamboo sharks in the tank and they did great. I am selling this because I have no time to take care of it any more. It was up and runing when I shut it down so I do not see any reason it will not start right back up again. Any REASONABLE offer will be considered. For pick up only in the St. Louis area.


What would u take for this tank? do you have any pictures? I would be drivin from eastern iowa so i am lookin for bottom dollar price, very interested.


Here is a link to the previous ad to sell this tank that has pictures. If you look, at on time I broke the top glass, but I had a glass maker cut a new piece to the exact same size and replaced it using Oceanic tank glue, so I promise that the top glass is no longer an issue, I had sharks and fish in this tank since this post. The MH lights are no longer on the tank. I will send a PM.


Any reasonable offer will be considered. Still for sale, I need this tank out. 125 Oceanic in great shape ready to run, if you want a reef in it, you will need better lights.


I imagine that it would cost more than $300 in shipping, I do not think that shiping a 300 gallon tank/stand and all of the equipment and sand is really practical, but thanks for the offer.


Active Member
give me a rough guess on what you want - I'm from Chicago area..
never mind - saw your price - will consider
how old is it?