125 Gallon 5 month birthday


First off, your tank is awsome. Second, wha tdo you feed you sun coral to make it look that great. Mine doesn't come out nearly that much. Also what kind of flow is it in?


Well I went to check out a new LFS tonight and of course have returned home with some new additions. I picked up a red and green cynarina and a tooth coral in the shape of a heart. I'll post a pic of the tooth coral when it expands but here is the cynarina.
Thanks for the compliments guys, I hope it's just uphill from here, I can't wait until I can't see any LR anymore.
bizzle, the suncorals aren't out all of the time but do come out during the day often. I feed them about twice a week mysis and cyclopeeze. If you feed them at the same time all of the time you can train them to open up then, so if you want them open - 5pm feed them - 5pm. He's in a lower flow area of the tank.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your Lineatus. It's always disappointing to lose a fish.
But the tank is looking fantastic! Have you had any thoughts of a larger tank creep into your head yet, especially when the fish get bigger and the corals grow out of the water??? :D :D


I am planning on doing a FOWLR when I move, hopefully like a 300g so I can have the angels and other fish I can't have now, at that time some fish from this tank will go in there like my flounder, dragon wrasse, foxface, and niger trigger.
Corals are already being fragged and traded, you can see the middle of my Monti Cap is missing and I just cut a branch off of my torch that was stinging a clam. I would always love to have a bigger reef but for now don't see it for at least another year. I can't even imagine how everything will hopefully grow together in the upcoming months, I've gone for a true mixed reef and in my opinion think that I've covered just about everything. No worries though there is always something to improve in a tank. I am also planning on making a wall of SPS across the entire back of the tank, my SPS are smaller now but are growing and I still have a few more pieces to pick up.
I don't think I'll be able to find another Lineatus wrasse like the one I had for years but I have the LFS owner who got me this one looking.
Again I am always looking for suggestions on something to add or a coral I'm missing or if something would look better somewhere else.


A Tooth Coral in the shape of a heart, kind of different, maybe I'll give it to my girlfriend on valentines day.


your rock structure is well setup instead of just putting them here and there. it looks like you spent a lot of effort in creating a nice rock set while maintaining a good swimming area for your fish. Oh, and i like the brains.


Thanks a lot. I was feeding it phyto, cause that's what I was told, and it seemed to be dying. I just went out and bought cylcopeeze a couple of days ago. It seems to be coming out a little more. Thanks again


Just wondering what do you do for calcium supplements in your tank. I have the same size tank as you.


I dose kalkwasser, right now I only use about a gallon a week putting in a little every morning along with an ounce of alkalinity plus.


I have some caulerpa and chaeto in there. It's also the only place that you'll find xenia in my system, it's a great nutrient exporter


This is my second, I had a 55g. There is about 50lbs of LR 5 fish and about 8 corals from the old tank in there, the rest is all new.


I am in awe of your tank. I can't wait to upgrade! Just gorgeous.
On the other hand, I did a quicky inventory of my tank and find that I've got about $1500 invested just in coral, fish and sand -- not to mention the LR and all the "hardware." I think I won't be upgrading until I've got my Ph.D. (another 3 years, I think)... And a house, so I know I won't have to take it apart any time in the next 20 years.
Maybe I have to move to Florida for such a nice selection, though...


I stopped adding up expenses but it's way up there. I would wait until your settled until you start inveting money it makes a lot more sense that way. Good luck on your degree.