125 Gallon in GA


Active Member
Powder blue: $20
Flame Angelfish:
Changing Koran Angel:
$ 40
Adult Sailfin Tang:
$ 30
Large Marine Betta:
$ 35


Active Member
im in middle georgia
Powder Blue Tang, regal tang and liverock will be gone
but i got everything else
and yes i got the flame and sailfin


New Member
I live in Chattanooga, TN too. So how far from Chattanooga? I am interested in LR. What is the price? I need like 30#.


New Member
guys- i was just there last night and believe me when i tell you that these fish are fat as ticks and bigger than my two year olds head! Awesome animals and beautiful rock! Thankyou for your generosity! GREAT SELLERS!


Active Member
Orbit Light- 400$
Fish and clean up crew- $150
i have sold some fish but the fish left are:
Large Blue Regal Tang - 35$
Lare Marine Betta- $40
Large Koran Angel (Changing)- 45$
email is Ruberti@yahoo.com