125 gallon RR and more in auburn NY


decided to downgrade to cheaper and hopefully less time consuming 29 gallon tank. I am putting up for sale:
125 gallon RR AGA aquarium with dual overflows, black pine stand and homemade black pine canopy $400
mag 7 return pump $40
20 gallon aquarium used as a sump $10
48" odyssea CF light with 4x65 watt 50/50 bulbs with less than one weeks worth of use and 4 moonlights $75
1 modded mj 1200 $25
few other powerheads $5-10 each
48" 2x54 watt T5 retrofitted into old CF light housing $50 or B.O.
uv sterilizer $10 needs new bulb
one 250 watt coralvue MH ballast with reflector, uv glass, hamilton 14k DE bulb $100
I am keeping all my livestock, corals and LR. I prefer not to ship anything, but if you pay shipping I'd consider it. I do accept paypal. please write me at sedorusc@aol.com for some reason this never lets me know when I have a new message.


will entertain trade ideas. I need sump, skimmer, refugium, LR and whatever you might have to offer. thanks.


hey guys. sorry to say but a buddy of mine has decided he wants the entire setup. so at this point I'm going to say it's gone. will put back up if he backs out though. again sorry.


New Member
48" 2x54 watt T5 retrofitted into old CF light housing $50 or B.O
mite be interested in this.man I just sold my skimmer
would had done a trade with you.


say $10 for the heaters. the ballast is electronic. I can send pics to emails easier than posting on here. slow dial-up sorry.


looking to try and get rid of tank first. forgot to say this is still up and running. basically need to sell this to get new setup going. thanks.