125 Gallon Stock list


Hey everyone,
I just got my hands on a 125 gallon reef ready tank. Right now I have a 55 Gallon reef that has 2 clowns, a sixline wrasse, pygmy angel, firefish, bicolor blenny and a Mandarin.
I am looking for suggestions on what type of fish I should get for the 125 gallon tank.
What do you all think about the Blue throat triggers?


Active Member
blue throats are nice triggers, you could add almost anything you want to that tank, tangs, large angels, triggers ect.


Are you going to make it a reef tank too? If you are I would watch what large angel that you put in there. I had a majestic angel and it ate my frogspawn and hammer coral so I would advise that you stick with dwarf angels because I have a flagfin and a flame angel in my reef and they don't bother anything. But I don't have any clams in my tank so if you have clams I don't know how they are with that. Good luck


i have the same tank... got it in december and i have it a little over stocked but i keep up with water changes and all that good stuff..
i have
lavander tang(spellings not the best)
baby blue hippo
yellow tang
orange shoulder(baby)
blue tang
3 chromis
3 gobys
and 5 false clowns..
but i am hopeing to get around a 300 400 gallon tank in the next year or so.. cuz the tangs are going to get big..

crypt keeper

Active Member
ummmm. take off 3 of the clowns. You will have major issues. Keep 0, 1 or 2. No more in a 125. IMo your 125 is good to go.


well i have had them in my 90 before that for almost two years they all have there own things to host... thanks...


ya got 8 of them when i started and when i moved form the 90 t0 the 125 i lost some of them.. its been sad..
mr.reef do you have any pictures? also if you are looking to get an idea look at mine in the share your aquarium it says something like 125 mixed reef with new coral check it out lol


i have no idea how to post them i tryed to but i did not have any luck if yall could help me out i would love to post pics... i also set up my grandmother 125g and my aunts 90 and i keep up with both of them..


Active Member
get a photobucket account
go to upload pics
upload them
then there will be for codes given under the pic once its uploaded
then copy yhem img codethen paste here
hope this helps


I use imageshack.us does not require an account, gives you resizing options for forums, and has a direct link to copy/paste below.