125 Gallon Stocklist


Most of you have probably seen me lighting up the New Hobbyist Thread with my current build. But with my tank coming along nicely, I have started thinking about my fish. As the title indicates it is a 125 gallon tank (72 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 23 3/8). Figured this was the right thread to post this under.
I am going for a peaceful reef. So the fish I introduce will generally be peaceful and should not bother corals. So here is the list I have compiled.
1 Lawn Mower Blenny
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Flame Firefish
2 Bangaii Cardinalfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp (from what I understand the Mantis Shrimp can break glass in rare cases, but still skeptical of the Pistol Shrimp and how it reacts to other inverts)
1 Coral Beauty or Flame Angelfish (heard that these are two of the less aggressive dwarf angels, there have been people who have had no problems with them nipping at corals)
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse (saw this fish at the LFS today and really liked it, although I have seen it listed for fish-only systems)
These are 10 rather small fish which I don't think would be too much for a 125. As you can see by my avatar I really like the Foxface. ButI have heard it may nip at corals and it would be the largest fish in this stocklist. The guy at the LFS suggested I hold off on him. He leans towards having smaller fish as opposed to large fish which put out a considerable bio-load.
I am open to all suggestions for the list. Feel free to suggest your favorite fish and your experiences with the above mentioned. Is this too many? Could I have more? Or is this a good number? I don't know all of the fish so eager to get your feedback. Thanks!!!


Active Member
You can definitely do a tang or dwarf angel. Dwarf angels are reef with caution because the may nip at corals, but I feel the coral nipping in many cases is due to the angel looking for algae.


Well-Known Member
The list looks pretty good with the acception of the pistol shrimp and watchman goby. I'm just not a fan of gobies and the amount of sand they move around.
Agree with a dwarf angel and some of the smaller species of tangs. The coral beauty that I used to have was mean. I have a piggmy angel now and he's been really good. But I would save them for the last edditions. Royal Grammas are jumpers so caution there. Firefish are nice additions, my purple firefish brings some really nice color to the tank when he's out and about.


Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/384325/125-gallon-stocklist#post_3366419
You can definitely do a tang or dwarf angel. Dwarf angels are reef with caution because the may nip at corals, but I feel the coral nipping in many cases is due to the angel looking for algae.
I've actually heard that the Foxface is less prone to nipping at corals than dwarf angels. Guess it just depends on the fish itself.
Originally Posted by 2Quills
The list looks pretty good with the acception of the pistol shrimp and watchman goby. I'm just not a fan of gobies and the amount of sand they move around.
Agree with a dwarf angel and some of the smaller species of tangs. The coral beauty that I used to have was mean. I have a piggmy angel now and he's been really good. But I would save them for the last edditions. Royal Grammas are jumpers so caution there. Firefish are nice additions, my purple firefish brings some really nice color to the tank when he's out and about.
Now that I think about it, the goby and pistol shrimp may be a bad idea. Considering I'll have a 2" sandbed and the rock sitting on pvc piping, I can see them digging out enough sand to expose the pvc. I would probably keep trying to cover it back up, thus they would be a nuisance.
As far as anglefish go, the Golden Angelfish looks appealing. Does not bother corals or invertebrates and generally very peaceful. I don't think the Royal Gramma should be able to get through my eggcrate. Only time I would have to pay attention to it would be when lifting the egg crate off to clean the glass and such. I think I actually like the purple firefish over the flame firefish.


Active Member
A Golden angel would be a great consideration for that tank, with the very peaceful stocklist. Golden's tend to be quite shy, so when mixed in with more boisterous fish, they become very cryptic.
The yellow coris wrasse is listed on some sites in the fish-only section of some sites because they might eat/pick smaller hermits. They are completely fine in regards to coral.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/thread/384325/125-gallon-stocklist#post_3366450
A Golden angel would be a great consideration for that tank, with the very peaceful stocklist. Golden's tend to be quite shy, so when mixed in with more boisterous fish, they become very cryptic.
The yellow coris wrasse is listed on some sites in the fish-only section of some sites because they might eat/pick smaller hermits. They are completely fine in regards to coral.
Yea. I was looking at one of my fish books and saw the golden angelfish. Read about it and was like "where has this been". lol My book says it's a little pricey.
I have heard from multiple people that the yellow coris wrasse does fine in their reefs. I don't care to get hermits so that won't be a cause for concern. Thanks for the input!


Active Member
thats alot of small fish ,if you stay with that size fish you could have 20 + in a 125 .a foxface is 3 times the size of the rest of the list.so that would cut the total count of fish down.if you added a large sump like a 55 .the more volume of water will let you add more fish.i have a 75 sump with 30 lbs of lr rubble in it.great for extra bioload and breeding pods for fish food.


Updated stocklist! They are in order of how they will be added.
1 Purple Firefish
1 Royal Gramma
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
2 Bangaii Cardinalfish (mated)
1 Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp
1 Yellow Canary Wrasse
1 Yellow Tang
1 Copperband Butterflyfish
1 Blue Head Canary Blenny Blenny
1 Melanurus Fairy Wrasse
1 Foxface Rabbitfish
1 Golden Angelfish
Of course suggestions and modifications are expected!