125 gallon tank for sale in DFW


New Member
Im interested.
I have been researching the saltwater world and find it to be extremely fascinating. I have been taking my time due to the extreme care that is needed for these lovable creatures.
Please email me, I am in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. I was wondering if you have any pictures available.
PS. email me at t_jennings@sbcglobal.net


New Member
Do you have any pictures? What are the dimensions of the tank alone(do not include the stand height)? How old is it?


New Member
The tank alone is 74 1/2 inches by 24 inches by 21 inches approximately. (It was hard to measure the hieght bc the canopy was blocking part of the tank.) I don't know how old the tank is because I bought it from someone and never used it but it is in great condition. I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures at this point and I loaned someone my digital camera but I would be happy to show you the tank anytime you wanted. Email me if you have any more questions. KritterSitters02@yahoo.com